USDA Resource Guide for American Indians and Alaska Natives and USDA Native Youth Resource Guide offer a wide array of information and resources supporting American Indians and Alaska Natives. For additional resources visit: USDA Office of Tribal Relations USDA Programs and Services.
Water - Our Most Precious Resource | Department of Energy The United Nations has declared August to be National Water Quality Month. This DOE Energy Saver piece brings awareness of the importance of water including ways to preserve, protect and appreciate it.
Workforce Diversity Area Health Resources Files HRSA’s Bureau of Health Workforce released a data dashboard to include Health Care Professions, Health Facilities, Population Characteristics, Economics, Health Professions Training, Hospital Utilization, Hospital Expenditures, and Environment at the county, state and national levels, from over 50 data sources.
Supply Chain Road Map for Offshore Wind Energy | Wind Research | NREL This NREL study evaluates how the U.S. supply chain can evolve to achieve the national offshore wind energy target and create local economic benefits. New Federal-state Partnership to Grow Domestic Offshore Wind Supply Chain.