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Suzette's Funding Letter, March 17, 2017

  1. Strategic Economic and Community Development

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is excited to share a new Rural Development funding opportunity authorized by Section 6025 of the 2014 Farm Bill. This new authority entitled Strategic Economic and Community Development (SECD) prioritizes projects that support the implementation of multi-jurisdictional plans under the Community Facilities Program, Water and Waste Disposal Program, Business and Industry Loan Guarantee Program, and Rural Business Development Grant Program. Under this provision, up to 10 percent of each programs annual appropriations can be set aside and made available to eligible SECD applicants. Many communities already working together to develop multi-jurisdictional plans with the help of strategic partners including non-profit organizations, institutions of higher education, university extensions, regional authorities, coalitions of counties/towns and federal agencies. The goal of SECD is to promote collaboration in rural communities and across Rural Development agencies and programs. Communities are incentivized to align resources, develop long-term community and economic growth strategies and engage federal, state and local partners. By promoting this regional focus USDA resources can be more effectively utilized and have a larger impact on rural capacity building and wealth creation.


  1. Upward Bound Math and Science Program

The U.S. Department of Education is offering grants to nonprofit groups and public agencies through the Upward Bound Math and Science Program. Grants will be awarded for a wide array of activities to encourage at-risk youth to complete high school and go on to college and, ultimately, careers in math and science. Deadline: 3/22/2017.


  1. Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Education Grants Program

USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced the availability of $8.8 million in funding to support agricultural science education at Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs). The Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Education Grants Program promotes and strengthens HSI programs that attract, retain, and graduate outstanding students capable of enhancing the nation’s food, agricultural, natural resource, and human sciences work force. Deadline to apply: 3/22/2017.

  1. Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation

The Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation is seeking grant applications from nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and faith-based organizations for programs that deliver patient- and family-centered approaches that challenge conventional strategies, improve health outcomes, lower costs, and enhance the patient and family caregiver experience. The goal of the Hillman Innovations in Care Program, an initiative of the Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation, is to advance leading-edge, nursing-driven models of care that will improve the health and healthcare of vulnerable populations. Two grants of up to $600,000 are awarded each year. Deadline: 3/20/2017 for an initial application; invited full proposals will be due 7/10/2017.


  1. HHS Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma

The Department of Health and Human Services is offering grants to nonprofit and public agencies to support the development and/or expansion of local implementation and community infrastructures that integrate treatment and services for substance use, co-occurring substance use and mental disorders, permanent housing, and other critical services. Deadline: 4/25/2017.

  1. Infinite Hero Foundation

The Infinite Hero Foundation provides grants of $25,000 to $100,000 to nonprofit organizations offering effective programs or treatments at no cost to active duty service members or veterans for service-related mental and physical injuries. Grants must be applied directly to program costs and cannot be used for fundraising or administrative overhead. Deadline: letters of interest are due 3/31/2017; invited grant applications must be submitted by 6/30/2017.

  1. Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC Community Facilities Loan Program

Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) offers a Community Facilities Loan Program to help develop and improve essential community facilities in the rural West. This program offers short-term loans for early property acquisition and predevelopment, interim construction costs and long-term permanent financing. Applicable facilities include public and nonprofit office buildings, treatment centers, emergency and transitional housing, assisted living, human services, public safety, child care, education, and cultural facilities. Many other project types are eligible. RCAC gives priority to loan applications for projects that incorporate significant green methods and materials. Deadline:  ongoing.

  1. Charles A. Frueauff Foundation

Charles A. Frueauff Foundation will award grants in the areas of education, human services, health, and hospitals. Specific project initiatives include food and hunger, economic development, daycare programs, hospital and healthcare agencies, health screenings, health education, AIDS/HIV prevention and education, and equipment for healthcare facilities. Grants are available in 27 states. Deadline: 3/15/2017.


  1. The Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum

The Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum has opened the second annual National High School Design Competition “Good for All.” Applicants are encouraged to respond to the question: What would you design to improve a community's access to healthy, fresh foods? The competition is open to all teenagers’ ages 13 through 19 years old who are in 9th through 12th grades anywhere in the U.S. Deadline: 3/20/2017.

  1. The Sparkplug Foundation

The Sparkplug Foundation is offering grants to start-up nonprofit organizations or new projects of established nonprofits that are addressing the fields of music, education, and community organizing. In the Music category, the Foundation supports emerging professional musicians or music-development programs. In Education and Teaching, the Foundation funds projects that deal with "the whole student" and with learning as a community activity. Through Grassroots Organizing, the Foundation encourages activist strategies for addressing institutional injustices and for building a reasoned, just society. The current focus is on ground-level community organizing at the intersection of utilities/energy infrastructure, housing/community resources, and racial justice. Deadlines: online questionnaires must be completed by 4/10/2017; letters of intent are due 4/17/2017; and the deadline for final applications is 5/5/2017.

  1. USDA Rural Business Development Grant Program (RBDG) To Provide Technical Assistance for Rural Transportation Systems

Qualified National Nonprofit organizations serving rural areas are invited to apply for this opportunity. Assistance provided to Rural Areas under the program has historically included the provision of on-site Technical Assistance to local and regional governments, public transit agencies, and related Nonprofit and for-profit organizations in Rural Areas; the development of training materials; and the provision of necessary training assistance to local officials and agencies in Rural Areas. Deadline: March 31, 2017

  1. CDFI Program and Native American CDFI Assistance Program

The Department of the Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Program opened the fiscal year (FY) 2017 funding round for the CDFI Program and Native American CDFI Assistance Program.  The CDFI Program offers grants to qualified CDFIs for financial assistance and technical assistance to improve low-income communities through economic development, affordable housing and other community development financial services. Through the NACA Program, the CDFI Fund encourages the creation and strengthening of CDFIs that primarily serve Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities (Native Communities). Deadline for both: 4/28/2017.

  1. USDA Seeks Project Proposals to Protect and Restore Critical Wetlands

Acting Deputy Agriculture Secretary Michael Young announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing up to $15 million in technical and financial assistance to help eligible conservation partners voluntarily protect, restore and enhance critical wetlands on agricultural lands. Restored wetlands improve water quality downstream and improve wildlife habitat, while also providing flood prevention and recreational benefits to communities. Funding will be provided through the Wetland Reserve Enhancement Partnership (WREP​), part of the https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/programs/easements/acep">Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), a Farm Bill conservation program. The partnership is administered by USDA’s https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/site/national/home/">Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the leading federal agency for wetland conservation on private lands. Through WREP, states, local units of governments, non-governmental organizations and American Indian tribes collaborate with NRCS through cooperative and partnership agreements. These partners work with tribal and private landowners who voluntarily enroll eligible land into easements to protect, restore and enhance wetlands on their properties.


  1. Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program: Tribal Transit Program
    Funding to support planning, capital, and operating assistance for tribal public transit services. Among other things, this funding supports partnerships working to expand access to health, medical, and social service providers.
    Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 20, 2017
    Sponsor: Federal Transit Administration


  1. Reducing Health Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children (Exploratory/Developmental - R21)Awards funding for exploratory or developmental research that targets the reduction of health disparities among children, including rural, low-income, geographically isolated children.
    Geographic Coverage:
    Application Deadline:
    Jun 16, 2017
    National Institutes of Health
  2. Reducing Health Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children (Research Project - R01)Awards funding for discrete research projects that target the reduction of health disparities among children, including rural, low-income, geographically isolated children.
    Geographic Coverage:
    Application Deadline:
    Jun 16, 2017
    National Institutes of Health
  1. Department of Commerce’s FY2017 Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grant Opportunity

The FY2017 Economic Development Assistance Programs funding announcement was recently released. EDA provides strategic investments on a competitive merit basis to support economic development, foster job creation, and attract private investment in economically distressed areas of the United States. Under this federal funding announcement, EDA solicits applications from applicants in order to provide investments that support construction, non-construction, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects under EDA’s Public Works and EAA programs. Grants and cooperative agreements made under these programs are designed to leverage existing regional assets and support the implementation of economic development strategies that advance new ideas and creative approaches to advance economic prosperity in distressed communities.

  1. Indian Health Service Health Professions Scholarship Program
    Provides scholarships for American Indian and Alaska Native students enrolled in a health professions program.
    Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 28, 2017
    Sponsor: Indian Health Service
  2. Indian Health Service Pre-Graduate Scholarship Program
    Provides scholarships for American Indian and Alaska Native students to enroll in courses leading to a bachelor’s degree in pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, pre-podiatry or pre-optometry.
    Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 28, 2017
    Sponsor: Indian Health Service
  3. Indian Health Service Preparatory Scholarship
    Provides scholarships for American Indian and Alaska Native students who are enrolled in undergraduate or preparatory courses in preparation for entry to health profession schools.
    Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 28, 2017
    Sponsor: Indian Health Service
  4. Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Program
    This program furnishes loans and loan guarantees to provide funds for the construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas.
    Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 31, 2017
    Sponsor: USDA Rural Utilities Service
  1. USDA Announces $27 Million in Grants Available to Support the Local Food Sector

USDA’s Agricultural Marking Service (AMS) has announced the request for applications for the Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program, which includes Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) and Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) grants, and the Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program (FSMIP).  These programs and other resources across USDA are helping to revitalize rural America by supporting local and regional food stakeholders. The grant applications for FSMIP, FMPP and LFPP must be submitted electronically through www.grants.gov/  by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, March 27, 2017

  1. American Indian/Alaska Native Health Equity Initiative
    Grants to support the development and implementation of evidence-based models and/or promising practices to help address historical and generational trauma existing in AI/AN communities with the goal of increasing resiliency and protective factors within AI/AN youth.
    Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Apr 3, 2017
    Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health
  1. Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program
    Funding for states, tribes, and local governments to plan, implement or expand a criminal justice and mental health collaboration program.
    Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Apr 4, 2017
    Sponsors: Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice
  1. Minority Youth Violence Prevention II (MYVP II): Integrating Social Determinants of Health and Community Policing Approaches
    Grants to identify innovative approaches to significantly reduce the prevalence and impact of youth violence among racial and ethnic minority and/or disadvantaged at-risk youth. MYVP II will support interventions tailored to at-risk racial and ethnic minority and/or disadvantaged youth (ages 12-18 years) and requires coordinated, multi-discipline approaches that should address public health, education, and public safety concerns; disparities in access to public health services; social determinants of health; and risk and protective factors.
    Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Apr 4, 2017
    Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health
  2. Senior Corps Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
    Funding to develop Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) projects that support volunteers 55 years and older in serving specific local and community needs in communities that do not currently have RSVP programs.
    Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
    Letter of Intent (Optional): Mar 7, 2017
    Application Deadline: Apr 4, 2017
    Sponsor: Corporation for National and Community Service
  3. Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program
    Grants to city, county, and state governments to expand opioid abuse prevention and education efforts while also promoting treatment and recovery.
    Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Apr 25, 2017
    Sponsors: Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice
  1. //foundationcenter.hosted.strongview.com/t/gccbbEKvQADUvSrD7a-KeFGZ5aaaa-KeBMJ1IP8aa?r=3@08766&f=ajpkqvmrfgp.rpqavmt%2522ufa.wqfY.imx&;j=Di&z=&p=rlfphn4y35203y">NEA Foundation Invites Applications for Learning and Leadership Grants

Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to support the professional development of public school teachers, public education support professionals, and/or faculty and staff in public institutions of higher education....

POSTED: February 4, 2017

DEADLINE: June 1, 2017

Suzette's Funding Letter, February 28, 2017


  1. Strategic Economic and Community Development

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is excited to share a new Rural Development funding opportunity authorized by Section 6025 of the 2014 Farm Bill. This new authority entitled Strategic Economic and Community Development (SECD) prioritizes projects that support the implementation of multi-jurisdictional plans under the Community Facilities Program, Water and Waste Disposal Program, Business and Industry Loan Guarantee Program, and Rural Business Development Grant Program. Under this provision, up to 10 percent of each programs annual appropriations can be set aside and made available to eligible SECD applicants. Many communities already working together to develop multi-jurisdictional plans with the help of strategic partners including non-profit organizations, institutions of higher education, university extensions, regional authorities, coalitions of counties/towns and federal agencies. The goal of SECD is to promote collaboration in rural communities and across Rural Development agencies and programs. Communities are incentivized to align resources, develop long-term community and economic growth strategies and engage federal, state and local partners. By promoting this regional focus USDA resources can be more effectively utilized and have a larger impact on rural capacity building and wealth creation.


  1. First Nations Accepting Proposals for 2017 Native Youth & Culture Fund Grants

First Nations Development Institute (First Nations) is accepting proposals for its Native Youth and Culture Fund (NYCF) program that focuses on youth, and incorporating culture and tradition to address social issues in Native communities. First Nations will award approximately 20 grants to Native organizations and tribes seeking ways to preserve, strengthen and/or renew Native culture and tradition among Native youth. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Mountain Time on Wednesday, March 8, 2017. All applicants must fully complete the First Nations online grant application. Eligible entities include but are not limited to federal- and state-recognized tribal governments, tribally-run programs, tribal colleges and Native American-controlled 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. This program does not fund individuals or public schools.

  1. First Nations Offering Grants Under Its Native Arts Initiative

First Nations Development Institute (First Nations) has launched a new Supporting Native Arts grant opportunity under its Native Arts Initiative (formerly known as the “Native Arts Capacity Building Initiative” or NACBI). Applications are due by March 9, 2017.  First Nations will award up to 15 Supporting Native Arts grants of up to $32,000 each to support projects that aim to strengthen the organizational infrastructure and/or arts programming of Native museums and cultural centers, Native-controlled nonprofit organizations, and tribal government programs. Eligible applicants must have existing program initiatives in place that support Native American artists and traditional Native art forms.


  1. Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health in American Indian and Alaskan Native Communities, U.S. Territories, and Pacific Jurisdictions Cooperative Agreements (Indigenous – Project LAUNCH)
    Grants to promote the wellness of young children from birth to 8 years within tribes, territories, and Pacific Island jurisdictions by addressing the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of their development to ensure children are thriving in safe, supportive environments, and entering school ready to learn and able to succeed.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 1, 2017
    Sponsors: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


  1. Grants to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Family Treatment Drug Courts
    Grants to enhance and expand substance use disorder treatment services in existing family treatment drug courts, that use the family treatment drug court model in order to provide alcohol and drug treatment for parents with a substance use disorder and/or co-occurring substance use disorder and mental disorders who have had a dependency petition filed against them or are at risk of such filing.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 3, 2017
    Sponsors: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


  1. Cooperative Agreements for Tribal Behavioral Health (Native Connections)
    Awards funding for pilot projects designed to prevent and reduce suicidal behavior and substance abuse, reduce the impact of trauma, and promote mental health among American Indian/Alaska Native young people.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 9, 2017
    Sponsors: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 


  1. Telehealth Resource Center Grant Program
    Supports the establishment and development of Telehealth Resource Centers (TRCs) which provide technical assistance to healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 16, 2017
    Sponsor: Office for the Advancement of Telehealth


  1. Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program: Tribal Transit Program
    Funding to support planning, capital, and operating assistance for tribal public transit services. Among other things, this funding supports partnerships working to expand access to health, medical, and social service providers.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 20, 2017
    Sponsor: Federal Transit Administration


  1. Reducing Health Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children (Exploratory/Developmental - R21)Awards funding for exploratory or developmental research that targets the reduction of health disparities among children, including rural, low-income, geographically isolated children.
    Geographic coverage:
    Application Deadline:
    Jun 16, 2017
    National Institutes of Health
  2. Reducing Health Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children (Research Project - R01)Awards funding for discrete research projects that target the reduction of health disparities among children, including rural, low-income, geographically isolated children.
    Geographic coverage:
    Application Deadline:
    Jun 16, 2017
    National Institutes of Health
  1. Department of Commerce’s FY2017 Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grant Opportunity

The FY2017 Economic Development Assistance Programs funding announcement was recently released. EDA provides strategic investments on a competitive merit basis to support economic development, foster job creation, and attract private investment in economically distressed areas of the United States. Under this federal funding announcement, EDA solicits applications from applicants in order to provide investments that support construction, non-construction, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects under EDA’s Public Works and EAA programs. Grants and cooperative agreements made under these programs are designed to leverage existing regional assets and support the implementation of economic development strategies that advance new ideas and creative approaches to advance economic prosperity in distressed communities.

  1. Community Connect Broadband Grant Program
    Grants for communities without broadband service to provide residential service and connect facilities, such as police and fire stations, healthcare, libraries, and schools. Priority will be given to rural areas that demonstrate the greatest need for broadband services.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 13, 2017
    Sponsor: USDA Rural Utilities Service
  2. Udall Scholarship
    Offers scholarships to Native Americans and Alaska Native students pursuing careers related to tribal public policy, native health, or the environment.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 15, 2017
    Sponsor: Morris K Udall and Steward L Udall Foundation
  1. Indian Health Service Health Professions Scholarship Program
    Provides scholarships for American Indian and Alaska Native students enrolled in a health professions program.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 28, 2017
    Sponsor: Indian Health Service
  2. Indian Health Service Pre-Graduate Scholarship Program
    Provides scholarships for American Indian and Alaska Native students to enroll in courses leading to a bachelor’s degree in pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, pre-podiatry or pre-optometry.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 28, 2017
    Sponsor: Indian Health Service
  3. Indian Health Service Preparatory Scholarship
    Provides scholarships for American Indian and Alaska Native students who are enrolled in undergraduate or preparatory courses in preparation for entry to health profession schools.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 28, 2017
    Sponsor: Indian Health Service
  4. Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Program
    This program furnishes loans and loan guarantees to provide funds for the construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 31, 2017
    Sponsor: USDA Rural Utilities Service
  1. USDA Announces $27 Million in Grants Available to Support the Local Food Sector

USDA’s Agricultural Marking Service (AMS) has announced the request for applications for the Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program, which includes Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) and Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) grants, and the Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program (FSMIP).  These programs and other resources across USDA are helping to revitalize rural America by supporting local and regional food stakeholders. The grant applications for FSMIP, FMPP and LFPP must be submitted electronically through www.grants.gov/  by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, March 27, 2017

  1. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar in Your Community

DOE has launched its Solar in Your Community Challenge to support innovative and replicable community-based initiatives that bring solar power to low-income and underserved communities. Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are eligible to participate in the Challenge, which aims to engage and support a wide variety of teams developing innovative and scalable business and financial models that can unlock the low- and moderate-income solar market. Teams will compete for $5 million in resources, including seed funding and technical assistance grants, and a $500,000 grand prize. Each team is expected to consist of a wide variety of stakeholders, including solar companies and entrepreneurs in partnership with key local stakeholders (e.g., utilities, banks, non-profit organizations, municipalities, and community leaders). Deadline: 3/17/2017.

  1. DOJ Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation

U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is offering funding to American Indians and Alaska Natives through the Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) initiative. Funds may be used to enhance law enforcement, bolster justice systems, prevent and control delinquency, strengthen the juvenile justice system, serve sexual assault and elder victims, and support other efforts to combat crime. Deadline: 2/28/2017. Click here to review funding guidelines.

  1. CDFI Fund

The U.S. Department of Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) has opened the fiscal year 2017 application period for the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program. Deadlines: qualified Issuer Applications must be submitted through AMIS by 3/3/2017; Guarantee Applications must be submitted through AMIS by 3/17/2017. Application materials are available on the CDFI Fund’s website here

  1. American Indian/Alaska Native Health Equity Initiative
    Grants to support the development and implementation of evidence-based models and/or promising practices to help address historical and generational trauma existing in AI/AN communities with the goal of increasing resiliency and protective factors within AI/AN youth.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Apr 3, 2017
    Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health
  1. Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program
    Funding for states, tribes, and local governments to plan, implement or expand a criminal justice and mental health collaboration program.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Apr 4, 2017
    Sponsors: Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice
  1. Minority Youth Violence Prevention II (MYVP II): Integrating Social Determinants of Health and Community Policing Approaches
    Grants to identify innovative approaches to significantly reduce the prevalence and impact of youth violence among racial and ethnic minority and/or disadvantaged at-risk youth. MYVP II will support interventions tailored to at-risk racial and ethnic minority and/or disadvantaged youth (ages 12-18 years) and requires coordinated, multi-discipline approaches that should address public health, education, and public safety concerns; disparities in access to public health services; social determinants of health; and risk and protective factors.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Apr 4, 2017
    Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health
  2. Senior Corps Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
    Funding to develop Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) projects that support volunteers 55 years and older in serving specific local and community needs in communities that do not currently have RSVP programs.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Letter of Intent (Optional): Mar 7, 2017
    Application Deadline: Apr 4, 2017
    Sponsor: Corporation for National and Community Service
  3. Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program
    Grants to city, county, and state governments to expand opioid abuse prevention and education efforts while also promoting treatment and recovery.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Apr 25, 2017
    Sponsors: Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice
  1. //foundationcenter.hosted.strongview.com/t/gccbbEKvQADUvSrD7a-KeFGZ5aaaa-KeBMJ1IP8aa?r=3@08766&f=ajpkqvmrfgp.rpqavmt%2522ufa.wqfY.imx&;j=Di&z=&p=rlfphn4y35203y">NEA Foundation Invites Applications for Learning and Leadership Grants

Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to support the professional development of public school teachers, public education support professionals, and/or faculty and staff in public institutions of higher education....

POSTED: February 4, 2017

DEADLINE: June 1, 2017

Suzette's Funding Letter, February 1, 2017


  1. Strategic Economic and Community Development

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is excited to share a new Rural Development funding opportunity authorized by Section 6025 of the 2014 Farm Bill. This new authority entitled Strategic Economic and Community Development (SECD) prioritizes projects that support the implementation of multi-jurisdictional plans under the Community Facilities Program, Water and Waste Disposal Program, Business and Industry Loan Guarantee Program, and Rural Business Development Grant Program. Under this provision, up to 10 percent of each programs annual appropriations can be set aside and made available to eligible SECD applicants. Many communities already working together to develop multi-jurisdictional plans with the help of strategic partners including non-profit organizations, institutions of higher education, university extensions, regional authorities, coalitions of counties/towns and federal special initiative coalitions. The goal of SECD is to promote collaboration in rural communities and across Rural Development agencies and programs. Communities are incentivized to align resources, develop long-term community and economic growth strategies and engage federal, state and local partners. By promoting this regional focus USDA resources can be more effectively utilized and have a larger impact on rural capacity building and wealth creation.


  1. First Nations' Native Ag and Food Systems Initiative

First Nations Development Institute (First Nations) has opened two new grant opportunities under its Native Agriculture and Food Systems Initiative (NAFSI). In both cases, applications are due by February 17, 2017.  With the generous support of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and Agua Fund, First Nations will award up to 12 grants of up to $35,000 each to support projects that aim to strengthen local food-system control; increase access to local, healthy and traditional foods; and decrease food insecurity and food deserts, all with an emphasis on serving Native American children and families. First Nations will also award up to 10 grants of up to $15,000 each to Native communities looking to conduct food sovereignty assessments in order to gain a better knowledge and understanding about the historical, current and future state of their local food systems. The Request for Proposals for program grants can be accessed at here. The Request for Proposals for the food sovereignty assessment grants can be accessed here. Organizations are invited to apply for one or both of these opportunities.

  1. Addiction Technology Transfer Centers Cooperative Agreements
    Grants to develop and strengthen the specialized behavioral healthcare and primary healthcare workforce that provides substance use disorder treatment and recovery support services.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Feb 9, 2017
    Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration


  1. Reeve Foundation Quality of Life Grants
    Grants to nonprofit organizations that provide services to individuals with paralysis, with special consideration given to wounded military and their families.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Feb 15, 2017
    Sponsor: Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation


  1. Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program (Tribal SASP)
    Provides funding directly to tribes, tribal organizations, and nonprofit tribal organizations to create, maintain, and expand sustainable sexual assault services.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Letter of Intent (Optional): Feb 2, 2017
    Application Deadline: Feb 23, 2017
    Sponsors: Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice


  1. Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C Capacity Development Grants
    Provides funding to assist eligible entities to strengthen their organizational infrastructure and to increase their capacity to develop, enhance, or expand access to high quality HIV primary health care services for low-income, uninsured, underinsured and people in underserved or rural communities.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Feb 28, 2017
    Sponsor: Health Resources and Services Administration


  1. Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health in American Indian and Alaskan Native Communities, U.S. Territories, and Pacific Jurisdictions Cooperative Agreements (Indigenous – Project LAUNCH)
    Grants to promote the wellness of young children from birth to 8 years within tribes, territories, and Pacific Island jurisdictions by addressing the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of their development to ensure children are thriving in safe, supportive environments, and entering school ready to learn and able to succeed.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 1, 2017
    Sponsors: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


  1. Grants to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Family Treatment Drug Courts
    Grants to enhance and expand substance use disorder treatment services in existing family treatment drug courts, that use the family treatment drug court model in order to provide alcohol and drug treatment for parents with a substance use disorder and/or co-occurring substance use disorder and mental disorders who have had a dependency petition filed against them or are at risk of such filing.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 3, 2017
    Sponsors: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


  1. Cooperative Agreements for Tribal Behavioral Health (Native Connections)
    Awards funding for pilot projects designed to prevent and reduce suicidal behavior and substance abuse, reduce the impact of trauma, and promote mental health among American Indian/Alaska Native young people.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 9, 2017
    Sponsors: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 


  1. Telehealth Resource Center Grant Program
    Supports the establishment and development of Telehealth Resource Centers (TRCs) which provide technical assistance to healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 16, 2017
    Sponsor: Office for the Advancement of Telehealth


  1. Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program: Tribal Transit Program
    Funding to support planning, capital, and operating assistance for tribal public transit services. Among other things, this funding supports partnerships working to expand access to health, medical, and social service providers.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 20, 2017
    Sponsor: Federal Transit Administration


  1. Water and Waste Revolving Loan Fund Grants
    Grant funds to establish a lending program that will finance water or wastewater systems for rural communities.
    Geographic coverage:
    Application Deadline:
    Feb 6, 2017
    USDA Rural Utilities Service


  1. Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking
    Grants to support community-based organizations in providing culturally relevant services to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
    Geographic coverage:
    Letter of Intent (Optional):
    Jan 26, 2017
    Application Deadline:
    Feb 16, 2017
    Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice


  1. Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program
    Supports programs that provide assistance to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking who are in need of 6-24 months of transitional housing, short-term housing assistance, and related support services.
    Geographic coverage:
    Letter of Intent (Optional):
    Jan 12, 2017
    Application Deadline:
    Feb 16, 2017
    Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice


  1. Reducing Health Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children (Exploratory/Developmental - R21)
    Awards funding for exploratory or developmental research that targets the reduction of health disparities among children, including rural, low-income, geographically isolated children.
    Geographic coverage:
    Application Deadline:
    Jun 16, 2017
    National Institutes of Health
  2. Reducing Health Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children (Research Project - R01)
    Awards funding for discrete research projects that target the reduction of health disparities among children, including rural, low-income, geographically isolated children.
    Geographic coverage:
    Application Deadline:
    Jun 16, 2017
    National Institutes of Health


  1. Department of Justice Public Safety FY2017 Grant Opportunity  

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has released the FY 2017 Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program (BCJI) funding opportunity. BCJI leads efforts to enhance the capacity of local and tribal communities to effectively target and address significant crime issues through collaborative cross-sector approaches that help advance broader neighborhood development goals. There is Promise Zone priority for this program. Apply by: February 2, 2017. To see a full list of BJA programs, click here. Sign up for the BJA newsletter here.

  1. Department of Commerce’s FY2017 Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grant Opportunity

The FY2017 Economic Development Assistance Programs funding announcement was recently released. EDA provides strategic investments on a competitive merit basis to support economic development, foster job creation, and attract private investment in economically distressed areas of the United States. Under this federal funding announcement, EDA solicits applications from applicants in order to provide investments that support construction, non-construction, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects under EDA’s Public Works and EAA programs. Grants and cooperative agreements made under these programs are designed to leverage existing regional assets and support the implementation of economic development strategies that advance new ideas and creative approaches to advance economic prosperity in distressed communities.

  1. Housing Projects Serving Rural Veterans
    Offers funding to construct, renovate, or rehabilitate temporary and permanent veteran housing in rural areas of the United States.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Feb 3, 2017
    Sponsors: Home Depot Foundation, Housing Assistance Council
  1. Household Water Well System Grants
    Provides grants to nonprofit organization to create lending programs for homeowners to borrow funds for the construction or repair of household water wells.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Feb 6, 2017
    Sponsor: USDA Rural Utilities Service
  1. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Change Leadership Programs
    Four change leadership programs, designed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to extend the influence and impact of leaders working to build a Culture of Health. Helps develop and support leaders who are from or working with communities with limited resources and opportunities.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Feb 15, 2017
    Sponsor: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  1. NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program
    Offers loan repayment assistance to registered nurses, nurse practitioners, advanced practice nurses, and nursing school faculty who agree to work in underserved areas.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Feb 23, 2017
    Sponsor: Bureau of Health Workforce
  2. Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Assistance Program
    Funding for collaborative projects designed to address and prevent sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking in rural communities.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Feb 23, 2017
    Sponsor: Office on Violence Against Women
  1. Community Connect Broadband Grant Program
    Grants for communities without broadband service to provide residential service and connect facilities, such as police and fire stations, healthcare, libraries, and schools. Priority will be given to rural areas that demonstrate the greatest need for broadband services.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 13, 2017
    Sponsor: USDA Rural Utilities Service
  2. Udall Scholarship
    Offers scholarships to Native Americans and Alaska Native students pursuing careers related to tribal public policy, native health, or the environment.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 15, 2017
    Sponsor: Morris K Udall and Steward L Udall Foundation
  1. Indian Health Service Health Professions Scholarship Program
    Provides scholarships for American Indian and Alaska Native students enrolled in a health professions program.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 28, 2017
    Sponsor: Indian Health Service
  2. Indian Health Service Pre-Graduate Scholarship Program
    Provides scholarships for American Indian and Alaska Native students to enroll in courses leading to a bachelor’s degree in pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, pre-podiatry or pre-optometry.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 28, 2017
    Sponsor: Indian Health Service
  3. Indian Health Service Preparatory Scholarship
    Provides scholarships for American Indian and Alaska Native students who are enrolled in undergraduate or preparatory courses in preparation for entry to health profession schools.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 28, 2017
    Sponsor: Indian Health Service
  4. Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Program
    This program furnishes loans and loan guarantees to provide funds for the construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Mar 31, 2017
    Sponsor: USDA Rural Utilities Service
  1. USDA Announces $27 Million in Grants Available to Support the Local Food Sector

USDA’s Agricultural Marking Service (AMS) has announced the request for applications for the Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program, which includes Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) and Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) grants, and the Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program (FSMIP).  These programs and other resources across USDA are helping to revitalize rural America by supporting local and regional food stakeholders. The grant applications for FSMIP, FMPP and LFPP must be submitted electronically through www.grants.gov/  by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, March 27, 2017

  1. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar in Your Community

DOE has launched its Solar in Your Community Challenge to support innovative and replicable community-based initiatives that bring solar power to low-income and underserved communities. Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are eligible to participate in the Challenge, which aims to engage and support a wide variety of teams developing innovative and scalable business and financial models that can unlock the low- and moderate-income solar market. Teams will compete for $5 million in resources, including seed funding and technical assistance grants, and a $500,000 grand prize. Each team is expected to consist of a wide variety of stakeholders, including solar companies and entrepreneurs in partnership with key local stakeholders (e.g., utilities, banks, non-profit organizations, municipalities, and community leaders). Deadline: 3/17/2017.  

  1. DOJ Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation

U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is offering funding to American Indians and Alaska Natives through the Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) initiative. Funds may be used to enhance law enforcement, bolster justice systems, prevent and control delinquency, strengthen the juvenile justice system, serve sexual assault and elder victims, and support other efforts to combat crime. Deadline: 2/28/2017. Click here to review funding guidelines.

  1. NEA Art Works

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is offering grants through Art Works 1 for FY 2018. An organization may submit only one application through one of the following two FY 2018 categories: Art Works 1 or Challenge America. An organization may submit one additional application under the FY 2018 Art Works category for a Creativity Connects project. Deadlines: Art Works 1; 2/16/2017; Challenge America; 4/13/2017. Click here to review application guidelines for an Art Works 1 grant. Click here for guidelines on Challenge America grants.

  1. CDFI Fund

The U.S. Department of Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) has opened the fiscal year 2017 application period for the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program. Deadlines: qualified Issuer Applications must be submitted through AMIS by 3/3/2017; Guarantee Applications must be submitted through AMIS by 3/17/2017. Application materials are available on the CDFI Fund’s website here.  



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