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Suzette's Funding Letter, June 29, 2018

Funding Opportunities*

https://about.bankofamerica.com/en-us/what-guides-us/find-grants-sponsorships.html#fbid=FJatOqLb9xE/hashlink=fbid%3Dt5xemMjhnTF">Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Bank of America Charitable Foundation is offering grants to nonprofit organizations as they work to preserve and increase access to a mix of affordable housing options and connect individuals and families with the tools and resources to achieve their financial goals. Deadline: applications accepted between 6/4/2018 and 6/29/2018.

http://dra.gov/funding-programs/states-economic-development-assistance-program/sedap-application-guidelines/">Delta Regional Authority Economic Development Assistance Program
The Delta Regional Authority (DRA) is  offering grants to help Delta communities create jobs and improve infrastructure through its Delta Regional Authority Economic Development Assistance Program (SEDAP). SEDAP may be used to fund projects for basic public infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, broadband, and business development including entrepreneurship and workforce training. Priority areas include innovation and small business, regional approaches and emergency funding needs. Applicants must be located in the 252 counties and parishes served by DRA in order to be eligible. Deadline: 6/29/2018.

https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/rural-economic-development-loan-grant-program">USDA Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) Program
Funding is being provided under USDA’s Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) Program. The goal of this program is to support rural projects through local utility organizations. USDA provides zero-interest loans to local utilities which they, in turn, pass through to local businesses (ultimate recipients) for projects that will create and retain employment in rural areas. The maximum loan is $2 million. The maximum grant is $300,000. Applications are due June 30, 2018, and should be sent to the USDA Rural Development State Office where the project is located. Additional information on how to apply is available on page 23625 of the May 22 Federal Register.

https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/corporate-responsibility/community-giving/housing-foundation/">Wells Fargo Housing Foundation Homeownership Counseling Grant Program
The Wells Fargo Housing Foundation Homeownership Counseling Grant Program supports local nonprofit housing organizations nationwide that help create affordable and sustainable homeownership opportunities for low- to moderate-income families. The program focuses on homebuyer counseling, homebuyer education, and foreclosure prevention activities. Deadline: requests may be submitted from 6/1/2018 through 6/30/2018.

https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org/funding/3601?utm_source=racupdate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=update020718">Smart Rural Community Showcase Award
Honors rural communities that have achieved high levels of broadband activity and have used it to support innovative practices in industry sectors, such as healthcare, safety and security, and economic development. Application Deadline: Jul 1, 2018

https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/community-facilities-technical-assistance-and-training-grant">USDA Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant Program
USDA Rural Development will make grants to public bodies and private nonprofit corporations, (such as States, counties, cities, townships, and incorporated towns and villages, boroughs, authorities, districts, and Indian tribes on Federal and State reservations) to provide associations Technical Assistance and/or training with respect to essential community facilities programs. The Technical Assistance and/or training will assist communities, Indian Tribes, and Nonprofit Corporations to identify and plan for community facility needs that exist in their area. Once those needs have been identified, the Grantee can assist in identifying public and private resources to finance those identified community facility needs. Deadline: July 2nd.

https://ami.grantsolutions.gov/HHS-2018-ACF-ACYF-CY-1354">Department of Health and Human Services Basic Center Program
The Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families' Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) announces the availability of funds under the Basic Center Program (BCP). THE BCP works to establish or strengthen community- based programs that meet the immediate needs of runaway and homeless youth up to age 18 years of age and their families. BCPs provide youth with emergency shelter, food, clothing, counseling and referrals for health care. Basic centers can provide temporary shelter for up to 21 days for youth and seeks to reunite young people with their families, whenever possible, or to locate appropriate alternative placements. Additional services may include: street- based services; home-based services for families with youth at risk of separation from the family; drug abuse education and prevention services. THE PRIMARY purpose of the BCP is to provide counseling services to youth who have left home without permission of their parents or guardians have been forced to leave home, or other homeless youth who might end up in contact with law enforcement or in the child welfare, mental health, or juvenile justice systems. Deadline: 7/4/2018.

https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=305135">Vulnerable Rural Hospitals Assistance Program
Funding for a single entity to provide targeted in-depth assistance to vulnerable rural hospitals within communities that are struggling to maintain healthcare services. Application Deadline: Jul 16, 2018

https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=305905">Mine Health and Safety Grants
Grants to prevent fatalities, disease, and injury from mining and secure safe and healthy working conditions for miners through laws, regulations, safety improvements, education, and training. Application Deadline: Jul 16, 2018

https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=306024">STOP School Violence Prevention and Mental Health Training Program
Grants to train school personnel and educate students to prevent student violence, develop and operate anonymous reporting systems concerning threats of school violence, and develop and operate school threat assessment and crisis intervention teams. Application Deadline: Jul 23, 2018

https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=306023">STOP School Violence Threat Assessment and Technology Reporting Program
Grants for the development and operation of school threat assessment and crisis intervention teams and the development of technology for local or regional anonymous reporting systems. Technology may be in the form of an app, hotline, or website, and the proposed technology solutions may be those that could be used during an incident to assist in securing the safety of those involved, including sharing information with first responders. Application Deadline: Jul 23, 2018

https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/rural-cooperative-development-grant-program">USDA Rural Cooperative Development Grant Program (RCDG)
This program helps improve the economic condition of rural areas by helping individuals and businesses start, expand or improve rural cooperatives and other mutually-owned businesses. Nonprofit corporations and institutions of higher education are eligible to apply. Public bodies, for-profit business and individuals are not eligible. USDA expects to award up to $5.8 million for FY 2018. The maximum grant award is $200,000. Grant and matching funds can be used for developing and operating a Rural Cooperative Development Center. Paper applications are due July 30, 2018. Electronic applications are due July 24, 2018.

https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/socially-disadvantaged-groups-grant">USDA Socially Disadvantaged Groups Grant Program
The purpose of this program is to provide technical assistance to socially- disadvantaged groups in rural areas. Eligible applicants include cooperatives, groups of cooperatives and cooperative development centers. This program supports Rural Development’s mission of improving the quality of life for rural Americans and commitment to direct agency resources to those who most need them. A socially-disadvantaged group is one whose members have been subjected to racial, ethnic or gender prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities. A majority of the applicant’s board of directors or governing board must be comprised of individuals who are members of socially-disadvantaged groups. For FY 2018, USDA plans to award up to $3 million in grants. The maximum grant award is $175,000. Grants must be used to provide technical assistance to socially-disadvantaged groups in rural areas. Paper applications are due July 30, 2018. Electronic applications are due July 24, 2018.

https://www.amerisourcebergen.com/abcnew/foundation">The Amerisource Bergen Foundation
The Amerisource Bergen Foundation is offering funding for innovative and constructive projects that address education, prevention, and/or the safe disposal of opioids. Deadline: 7/31/2018.

https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=306037">Service Area Competition Funding for the Health Center Program (Areas Served with a Project Period Start Date of January 1, 2019) 
Grants to health centers to provide comprehensive primary healthcare services to an underserved area or population. Application Deadline: Aug 6, 2018

https://www.arts.gov/grants-organizations/our-town/introduction">National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Our Town
NEA is supporting creative placemaking projects that integrate arts, culture, and design activities into efforts that strengthen communities by advancing local economic, physical, and/or social outcomes through its Our Town grants program. This funding supports local efforts to enhance quality of life for existing residents through arts engagement, cultural planning, design, and/or artist/creative industry support, or to build and disseminate knowledge about how to leverage arts, culture, and design as mechanisms for strengthening communities. All applications require partnerships that involve at least two primary partners: a nonprofit organization and a local governmental entity. One of the two primary partners must be a cultural (arts or design) organization. Our Town offers matching grants starting at $25,000 for Place-Based and Knowledge Building projects. Deadlines: submit SF-424 by 8/9/2018; submit materials to Applicant Portal 8/14-21/2018.

https://www.aha.org/about/awards/rural-hospital-leadership-award">Rural Hospital Leadership Award
Provides an educational stipend to a small or rural hospital administrator or chief executive officer to attend an AHA Annual Meeting or Health Forum Leadership Conference. Application Deadline: Aug 31, 2018

https://www.arc.gov/images/grantsandfunding/POWER2018/RFP/POWER-RFP-2018.pdf">ARC commits $20M for new round of POWER grants
The Appalachian Regional Commission has released a request for proposals for the 2018 POWER (Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization) Program. In this round of funding, ARC will commit up to $20 million to support efforts that create a more vibrant economic future for coal- impacted communities in the ARC region by cultivating economic diversity, enhancing job training and re- employment opportunities, creating jobs in existing or new industries, and attracting new sources of investment.

https://apply07.grants.gov/apply/opportunities/instructions/oppFOA-ETA-18-04-cfda17.274-cidFOA-ETA-18-04-instructions.pdf">Department of Labor YouthBuild Program
DOL is offering grants to nonprofit and public agencies through YouthBuild to provide construction skills training for at- risk youth, ages 16-24. This year, all applicants can include a Construction Plus component. Deadline: 9/18/2018.

http://www.lisc.org/media/filer_public/46/ec/46ec164b-0f76-4b4c-9704-11410601d760/growing_rural_communities_fund_final_9-6-16.pdf">RURAL LISC (Local Initiatives Support Corporation)
Rural LISC created the Community Facilities Fund to provide capital to help develop and improve essential community facilities in rural areas. Rural LISC utilizes this fund to provide permanent and construction-to- permanent financing for rural community facilities, including health care centers, hospitals, educational facilities, and other nonprofit and public facilities in rural communities with populations under 20,000. Deadline: ongoing.

http://giving.walmart.com/apply-for-grants/local-giving">Walmart Foundation
The Walmart Foundation’s Community Grant Program is offering grants to nonprofit organizations and agencies that work in one of the following areas: hunger relief and healthy eating, health and human service, quality of life, education, community and economic development, diversity and inclusion, public safety, or environmental sustainability. Awards range from $250 to $5,000. Deadline: applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

https://corporate.homedepot.com/grants/community-impact-grants">Home Depot Foundation
The Home Depot Foundation provides funding for nonprofit organizations and public agencies in the United States that are using the power of volunteers to improve communities through its Community Impact Grants program. Priority is given to projects that benefit veterans and/or diverse and underserved communities. Projects should be volunteer-friendly, engage people at all skill levels, and be expected to have a strong and lasting impact. Awards of up to $5,000 will be given in the form of The Home Depot gift cards for the purchase of tools, materials, or services. Deadline: awards are made on a rolling basis.

https://firstnations.org/">First Nations Development Institute
First Nations today announced it has received a one-year, $100,000 grant from the http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=74YHV4ix3kJEPDVjmHNSJt81pvhoKVN5">Agua Fund as renewed funding to assist Native American communities in South Dakota and on the Navajo Nation (Arizona, New Mexico and Utah). The funding allows First Nations to work with selected communities toward increasing control of their local food systems for improved health and well-being, as well as for asset-building and economic development purposes. First Nations expects to issue a request for proposals for this grant program in the near future. Eligible entities will be Sioux or Navajo tribes, Sioux or Navajo-controlled nonprofit organizations, or Native community-based groups committed to increasing healthy food access in Sioux or Navajo communities. First Nations will offer capacity-building training to the four selected participants, while two of these groups will receive direct grants of $30,000 each. The project will focus on tribal hunger, nutrition and healthy foods access, and will engage in activities such as conducting community food assessments and expanding initiatives for food-related business development. Participants will be selected based on their potential to serve as a positive model with replicable or adaptable components for other Native communities, as well as on their communities’ needs related to tribal hunger, food insecurity and healthy foods access.

https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/water-waste-disposal-loan-grant-program">Water and Waste Disposal Direct Loan and Grant Program
The Water and Waste Disposal Direct Loan and Grant Program can provide funding for clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas. To learn more about this program, contact your local state USDA Rural Development office.

https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/water-waste-disposal-loan-guarantees">Water and Waste Disposal Loan Guarantees Program
The Water and Waste Disposal Loan Guarantees Program can help private lenders provide affordable financing to qualified borrowers to improve access to clean, reliable water and waste disposal systems for households and businesses in rural areas. To learn more about this program, contact your local state USDA Rural Development office.

https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=300263&utm_content&utm_medium=email&utm_name&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term">Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program, Fire Prevention and Safety Grants
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Grants Programs Directorate is responsible for the implementation and administration of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program. The Grant Programs Directorate administers the Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant Program as part of the AFG Program. The purpose of the FP&S Grant Program is to enhance the safety of the public and firefighters with respect to fire and fire-related hazards by assisting fire prevention programs and supporting firefighter health and safety research and development. FP&S Grants are offered to support projects in two activities: (1) activities designed to reach high-risk target groups and mitigate the incidence of death, injuries, and property damage caused by fire and fire-related hazards ("Fire Prevention and Safety Activity") and (2) research and development activities aimed at improving firefighter safety, health, or wellness through research and development that reduces firefighter fatalities and injuries ("Firefighter Safety Research and Development Activity").

https://www.enterprisecommunity.org/solutions-and-innovation/disaster-recovery-and-rebuilding#rapid-recovery-funding">Disaster Response Loans
Enterprise Community Loan Fund, Mercy Loan Fund and Neighborworks® Capital have partnered to offer $15 million in rapid-response loans for community organizations to accelerate recovery from last year’s hurricanes and wildfires. Loan recipients can use the financing for repairing, designing, and planning affordable housing developments; repairing existing or planned developments of other kinds; and relocating offices so organizations can return to work. Unsecured loans up to $500,000 will be available.

https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=300327&utm_content&utm_medium=email&utm_name&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term">2019 National Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program
The Secretary of Agriculture has a congressionally designated advisory council that assists the U.S. Forest Service in establishing the grant categories and recommendations of final proposals for the Forest Service to consider. This is the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council (Council). The Council serves to advise the Secretary of Agriculture on the status of the nation’s urban and community forests and related natural resources. The Council seeks to establish sustainable urban and community forests, by encouraging communities of all sizes to manage and protect their natural resources, which, if well managed, improves the public’s health, well-being, economic vitality, and creates resilient ecosystems for present and futu

Suzette's Funding Letter, May 19, 2018


  1. DOL Indian and Native American Program – Employment and Training Grants

U.S. Department of Labor has announced the availability of funding to support employment and training activities for Indians and Native Americans in the areas of healthcare, manufacturing, IT, energy, and other industries. Deadline: 5/18/2018.


  1. Healthcare Connect Fund
    Provides assistance to healthcare providers for eligible expenses related to broadband connectivity at a flat discounted rate of 65%. Participants can apply as a member of a consortium or a stand-alone entity.
    Geographic coverage:
    Application Deadline: May 31, 2018
    Universal Service Administrative Company
  2. NEA Workshop for Appalachian Gateway Communities

National Endowment for the Arts is offering a new Workshop for Appalachian Gateway Communities August 7-9, 2018. Since 2007, the Appalachian Regional Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, in partnership with The Conservation Fund, have helped Appalachian "gateway" communities – those that are entry points or adjacent to Appalachia's national and state parks and forests – expand tourism, arts, and other community and economic development opportunities. A team leader/coordinator must be identified to coordinate the submission of the team application and to serve as the primary point of contact for the team. The team registration fee is $375. Each team will bring a specific community project or strategic plan related to sustainably capitalizing on natural and cultural heritage assets and/or the arts. Following the workshop, teams will also be eligible to apply for seed grant funding to help implement the action plan developed at the workshop. Deadline to apply for the workshop: 5/31/2018.

  1. Best Buy Community Grants Program

Best Buy is offering grants through its Community Grants Program provides support to community-based organizations that are located within 25 miles of a Best Buy facility. Grants focus on out-of-school time programs that create access to technology education and tools that teens will need to be successful in their future schooling and careers. Programs should include hands-on learning opportunities and engage the youth, ages 13-18, in experimenting and interacting with the latest technologies to build 21st century skills. Deadline: 5/31/2018.


  1. USDA Distance Learning and Telemedicine

USDA is offering grants through the Distance Learning and Telemedicine program that provides support to improve telemedicine and distance learning services in rural areas through the use of telecommunications, computer networks, and related advanced technologies that students, teachers, medical professionals, and rural residents can use. Deadline: 6/4/2018.


  1. DOD Wounded Warrior Service Dog Program

Department of Defense is offering funding through the Wounded Warrior Service Dog Program for programs that provide assistance dogs to service members or veterans with disabilities. Deadline: 6/4/2018.

  1. HUD Choice Neighborhoods

HUD has announced the availability of funding for the Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant Program to create and/or implement a plan to revitalize distressed HUD housing; improve outcomes of households living in the target housing related to employment, income, health, and education; and encourage public and private reinvestment in distressed neighborhoods to improve safety, schools, and commercial activity. Deadline: 6/12/2018.

  1. Communities Thrive Challenge

The Rockefeller Foundation and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative announced the availability of funding through the Communities Thrive Challenge, a $10 million funding opportunity to find and support successful, community-driven approaches to expand economic opportunity for low-income and financially insecure people and communities across the U.S. Up to 10 grantees will receive a $1M grant, best-in-class technical assistance, and an opportunity to share their story on a national stage. Deadlines: register by 6/12/18; apply by 6/19/2018.

  1. Tony Hawk Foundation

The Tony Hawk Foundation is offering grant support for community skatepark projects that can demonstrate a strong grassroots commitment, particularly in the form of planning and fundraising by local skateboarders and other community groups. Priority is given to projects that are designed and built from concrete by experienced skatepark contractors and include local skaters in the planning, fundraising, and design process. Grants of $1,000 to $25,000 are provided to nonprofit organizations and state or local agencies, including public school systems and public projects. Deadline: 6/13/2018.

  1. SAMHSA Tribal Behavioral Health Grant Program

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Centers for Mental Health Services (CMHS) and Substance Use Prevention (CSAP), are accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2018  Tribal Behavioral Health Grant Program (Short Title: Native Connections). The purpose of this program is to prevent and reduce suicidal behavior and substance use, reduce the impact of trauma, and promote mental health among American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth through the age of 24 years. Native Connections is intended to reduce the impact of mental and substance use disorders, foster culturally responsive models that reduce and respond to the impact of trauma in AI/AN communities1, and allow AI/AN communities to facilitate collaboration among agencies to support youth as they transition into adulthood. Deadline: June 22nd

  1. Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Bank of America Charitable Foundation is offering grants to nonprofit organizations as they work to preserve and increase access to a mix of affordable housing options and connect individuals and families with the tools and resources to achieve their financial goals. Deadline: applications accepted between 6/4/2018 and 6/29/2018.

  1. HUD-VA Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot Program

HUD in partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has announced $13.7 million in grant funding to modify or rehabilitate eligible veterans' primary residences. Eligible applicants for the Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot Program are nonprofit organizations that provide nationwide or statewide programs that primarily serve veterans or low-income individuals. Deadline: 6/25/2018.


  1. Wells Fargo Housing Foundation Homeownership Counseling Grant Program

The Wells Fargo Housing Foundation Homeownership Counseling Grant Program supports local nonprofit housing organizations nationwide that help create affordable and sustainable homeownership opportunities for low- to moderate-income families. The program focuses on homebuyer counseling, homebuyer education, and foreclosure prevention activities. Deadline: requests may be submitted from 6/1/2018 through 6/30/2018.

  1. Smart Rural Community Showcase Award
    Honors rural communities that have achieved high levels of broadband activity and have used it to support innovative practices in industry sectors, such as healthcare, safety and security, and economic development.
    Geographic coverage:
    Application Deadline: Jul 1, 2018
    Sponsor: NTCA:
    The Rural Broadband Association
  2. USDA Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant Program

USDA Rural Development will make grants to public bodies and private nonprofit corporations, (such as States, counties, cities, townships, and incorporated towns and villages, boroughs, authorities, districts, and Indian tribes on Federal and State reservations) to provide associations Technical Assistance and/or training with respect to essential community facilities programs.  The Technical Assistance and/or training will assist communities, Indian Tribes, and Nonprofit Corporations to identify and plan for community facility needs that exist in their area.  Once those needs have been identified, the Grantee can assist in identifying public and private resources to finance those identified community facility needs. Deadline: July 2nd.

  1. The Amerisource Bergen Foundation

The Amerisource Bergen Foundation is offering funding for innovative and constructive projects that address education, prevention, and/or the safe disposal of opioids. Deadline: 7/31/2018. 

  1. Rural Hospital Leadership Award
    Provides an educational stipend to a small or rural hospital administrator or chief executive officer to attend an AHA Annual Meeting or Health Forum Leadership Conference.
    Geographic coverage:
    Application Deadline: Aug 31, 2018
    American Hospital Association


  1. ARC commits $20M for new round of POWER grants

The Appalachian Regional Commission has released a request for proposals for the 2018 POWER (Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization) Program. In this round of funding, ARC will commit up to $20 million to support efforts that create a more vibrant economic future for coal-impacted communities in the ARC region by cultivating economic diversity, enhancing job training and re-employment opportunities, creating jobs in existing or new industries, and attracting new sources of investment. 


Evergreen Packaging and KidsGardening.org are proud to present our fourth annual national Carton 2 Garden Contest!  Open to public and private schools, contest winners will be selected based on their implementation of an innovative garden creation featuring creative and sustainable uses for repurposed milk and juice cartons. Your school can get started by collecting at least 100 empty cartons from your home, community, or cafeteria. After gathering cartons, it’s time to design and construct purposeful garden items and structures using them. Looking for ideas? Check out last year’s winners for inspiration and visit us on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest or tips, activities, and lessons.

  1. Indian Health Service Loan Repayment Program
    Loan repayment for educational loans in return for full-time clinical service in Indian Health Service programs.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 15, 2018
    Sponsors: Indian Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  1. RURAL LISC (Local Initiatives Support Corporation) 

Rural LISC created the Community Facilities Fund to provide capital to help develop and improve essential community facilities in rural areas. Rural LISC utilizes this fund to provide permanent and construction-to- permanent financing for rural community facilities, including health care centers, hospitals, educational facilities, and other nonprofit and public facilities in rural communities with populations under 20,000. Deadline: ongoing.

  1. Walmart Foundation

The Walmart Foundation’s Community Grant Program is offering grants to nonprofit organizations and agencies that work in one of the following areas: hunger relief and healthy eating, health and human service, quality of life, education, community and economic development, diversity and inclusion, public safety, or environmental sustainability. Awards range from $250 to $5,000. Deadline: applications are accepted on a rolling basis. 


  1. Home Depot Foundation

The Home Depot Foundation provides funding for nonprofit organizations and public agencies in the United States that are using the power of volunteers to improve communities through its Community Impact Grants program. Priority is given to projects that benefit veterans and/or diverse and underserved communities. Projects should be volunteer-friendly, engage people at all skill levels, and be expected to have a strong and lasting impact. Awards of up to $5,000 will be given in the form of The Home Depot gift cards for the purchase of tools, materials, or services.  Deadline: awards are made on a rolling basis.

  1. First Nations Development Institute

First Nations today announced it has received a one-year, $100,000 grant from the Agua Fund as renewed funding to assist Native American communities in South Dakota and on the Navajo Nation (Arizona, New Mexico and Utah). The funding allows First Nations to work with selected communities toward increasing control of their local food systems for improved health and well-being, as well as for asset-building and economic development purposes.

First Nations expects to issue a request for proposals for this grant program in the near future. Eligible entities will be Sioux or Navajo tribes, Sioux or Navajo-controlled nonprofit organizations, or Native community-based groups committed to increasing healthy food access in Sioux or Navajo communities.
First Nations will offer capacity-building training to the four selected participants, while two of these groups will receive direct grants of $30,000 each. The project will focus on tribal hunger, nutrition and healthy foods access, and will engage in activities such as conducting community food assessments and expanding initiatives for food-related business development. Participants will be selected based on their potential to serve as a positive model with replicable or adaptable components for other Native communities, as well as on their communities’ needs related to tribal hunger, food insecurity and healthy foods access.

  1. Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program, Fire Prevention and Safety Grants

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Grants Programs Directorate is responsible for the implementation and administration of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program. The Grant Programs Directorate administers the Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant Program as part of the AFG Program. The purpose of the FP&S Grant Program is to enhance the safety of the public and firefighters with respect to fire and fire-related hazards by assisting fire prevention programs and supporting firefighter health and safety research and development. FP&S Grants are offered to support projects in two activities: (1) activities designed to reach high-risk target groups and mitigate the incidence of death, injuries, and property damage caused by fire and fire-related hazards ("Fire Prevention and Safety Activity") and (2) research and development activities aimed at improving firefighter safety, health, or wellness through research and development that reduces firefighter fatalities and injuries ("Firefighter Safety Research and Development Activity"). The program guidance document provides potential applicants with the details of the requirements, processing, and evaluation of an application for financial assistance for both of these activity areas.

  1. Disaster Response Loans

Enterprise Community Loan Fund, Mercy Loan Fund and Neighborworks® Capital have partnered to offer $15 million in rapid-response loans for community organizations to accelerate recovery from last year’s hurricanes and wildfires. Loan recipients can use the financing for repairing, designing, and planning affordable housing developments; repairing existing or planned developments of other kinds; and relocating offices so organizations can return to work. Unsecured loans up to $500,000 will be available.

  1. 2019 National Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program

The Secretary of Agriculture has a congressionally designated advisory council that assists the U.S. Forest Service in establishing the grant categories and recommendations of final proposals for the Forest Service to consider. This is the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council (Council). The Council serves to advise the Secretary of Agriculture on the status of the nation’s urban and community forests and related natural resources. The Council seeks to establish sustainable urban and community forests, by encouraging communities of all sizes to manage and protect their natural resources, which, if well managed, improves the public’s health, well-being, economic vitality, and creates resilient ecosystems for present and future generations.

*To receive updates on other funding opportunities, please consider creating an account and subscribing here to receive e-mail alerts for your particular interest(s). 

Suzette's Funding Letter, May 11, 2018

Funding & Resource Announcements

Announcements of Federal Funding & Assistance Available:

Economic – Access to Capital

NEW! SBA Announces Availability of Funding under the Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs


Federal Funding Opportunities; entrepreneurship under WIOA; microenterprise; technical assistance; capacity building; research and development; eligibility of Indian tribes for PRIME funding, rural economic development, DRA and ARC supports for microenterprise; CDFIs, Hubzones

The Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs Act of 1999 (the PRIME Act) became law on November 12, 1999.  The PRIME Act authorizes the Small Business Administration to establish a program for the purposes of:

  • providing training and technical assistance to disadvantaged entrepreneurs
  • providing training and capacity building assistance to microenterprise development organizations (MDOs) and programs
  • aiding in Research and development of best practices for microenterprise and technical assistance programs for disadvantaged entrepreneur
  • for other activities as the SBA Administrator determines.

NEW! SBA announced the availability of $5,000,000 for investment under PRIME. 

 SBA will allocate the funding available for awards as follows:

  • A minimum of 75 percent for Technical Assistance Grants, Track I;
  • A minimum of 15 percent for Capacity Building Grants, Track II;
  • The remaining 10 percent or less may be allocated by SBA, in its sole discretion to be used for: Research and Development Grants or Discretionary Grants.

See: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=304379

In this PRIME funding cycle, SBA will also give additional consideration to those applicants that:

(1) provide training and technical assistance to economically disadvantaged entrepreneurs in rural areas; and

(2) training and technical assistance to support entrepreneurship in HubZones.

In order to be eligible to submit an application for this funding opportunity an Applicant must clearly demonstrate that it is one of the following:

  • A microenterprise development organization or program (or group or Collaborative thereof), such as a non-profit Community Development Financial Institution or similar entity, that has  a demonstrated record of delivering microenterprise services to disadvantaged entrepreneurs; or
  • An Intermediary (as defined in Section 8.1 of the solicitation) which has experience in delivering technical assistance to disadvantaged entrepreneurs; or
  • A microenterprise development organization or program (as defined in Section 8.1) that is accountable to a local community, working in conjunction with a State or local government or Indian Tribe; or
  • An Indian tribe acting on its own, if it can certify that no private organization or program referred to above exists within its jurisdiction.

Applications are due by June 1.

Economic - Workforce Development:

May 16 Webinar - Free Resources for Apprenticeship & Work-based Learning

May 16 (3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Eastern)

Are you an institution in need of free resources to set up apprenticeship and other work-based learning opportunities? This webinar will explore Open Educational Resources (OER) available on SkillsCommons.org that were produced by community colleges in partnership with employers across the country. You will learn about the array of OER related to apprenticeship and work-based learning, such as guides, reports, course materials, handbooks, and much more!

This webinar is the last in a webinar series showcasing strategies and resources developed by community colleges that are of broad interest to educational institutions engaged in career-focused education and training. Previous webinars (available as recordings) explored making industry experts into expert instructors to increase student success, scaling career pathways in Wisconsin, resources for developmental education using competency-based education, affordable learning solutions, and sustaining grant-funded projects for long-term success. For more information, please visit: Innovations Leading to Career Success Webinar Series

The material featured here and the many resources available on SkillsCommons were produced by grantees of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program, a collaboration between the US Department of Labor and the US Department of Education.

May 17 Webinar Part I - Disaster Preparedness and Response: Serving Farmworkers

May 17 (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern)

Part I of this two part series on Disaster Preparedness and Response: Serving Farmworkers will focus on what we can learn from National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) grantees’ experiences. In 2017, the operations of several NFJP grantees were disrupted by different natural disasters that impacted the farmworker community in distinct ways.

NEW! DOJ Announces Funding Opportunity under the FY 2018 Adult Reentry and Employment Strategic Planning Program

Cites Collaboration with WIOA, Encourages Workforce Development Agencies to Apply in Collaboration; Sets June 18 Deadline for Proposals


Second Chance Act programs are designed to help communities develop and implement comprehensive and collaborative strategies that address the challenges posed by incarcerated adults re-entering their communities and the workforce, as well as recidivism reduction. Several years ago, the Bureau of Justice Assistance within DOJ initiated a pilot project, the “Integrated Reentry and Employment Strategies” project that sought to test an innovative approach to reduce recidivism and increase job readiness for offenders returning from incarceration and to integrate best practices in reentry and employment.

Building upon the pilot project, the FY 2018 Adult Reentry and Employment Strategic Planning Program will now provide funding for strategic planning grants to replicate the framework developed in the pilot project.

BJA welcomes collaborative applications under which two or more entities would carry out the federal award, including corrections, parole and probation, and workforce development agencies; however, only one entity may be the applicant. Any others must be proposed as subrecipients (subgrantees).  The applicant must be the entity that would have primary responsibility for carrying out the award, including administering the funding and managing the entire project. Under this solicitation, only one application by any particular applicant entity will be considered. An entity may, however, be proposed as a subrecipient (subgrantee) in more than one application.

The solicitation notes, in part:

Applicants must provide evidence of a history of collaboration between state, local and or tribal government agencies overseeing corrections, parole, probation, workforce development, and education, as well as an extensive discussion of the role of the corrections department in ensuring the successful reentry of offenders into communities, including securing and maintaining employment. Successful applicants will also describe how correctional, workforce development, and education funds such as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) are leveraged to support correctional education or reentry services. For more information about WIOA and how it can be leveraged to support employment and education services for offenders, please see The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: What Corrections and Reentry Agencies Need to Know.

BJA expects to make up to six awards of up to $200,000 each, with an estimated total amount awarded of up to $1,200,000. BJA expects to make awards for a 12-month period of performance, to begin on October 1, 2018.

Proposals are due by June 18. See: https://www.bja.gov/funding/SCAEMP18.pdf

Economic – Entrepreneurship & Technology Commercialization


NEW! SBA’s Office of Innovation & Technology Announces Funding Opportunities under the SBIR AND STTR Programs

The mission of SBA’s Office of Innovation & Technology, which bears responsibility for administering the FAST Program, is to strengthen the technological competitiveness of small businesses across the country through coordination of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. The FAST program focuses on increasing the participation of small firms in the innovation and commercialization of high risk technologies, keeping the United States on the cutting edge of next generation research and development.

The Office of Innovation & Technology has announced two funding opportunities:

Applicants selected for awards under these announcements are required to maximize their efforts to leverage SBA funding by working in conjunction with other public and private entities that provide support or have resources that would benefit SBIR/STTR applicants and/or awardees:

  1. a. Resource partners such as Small Business Development Centers, Women’s Business Centers, SCORE, Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, Growth Accelerators, Veterans Business Outreach Centers, SBA lenders, and more;
  2. b. Federal, state, and local governments;
  3. c. Universities, colleges, and other institutions of higher education; and
  4. d. Private organizations such as chambers of commerce and trade/industry groups.



Availability:                                      $2,000,000

Ceiling:                                                 $125,000

Floor:                                                      $50,000

Expected Awards:                                          16

Availability:                                      $1,000,000

Ceiling:                                                 $125,000

Floor:                                                      $50,000

Expected Awards:                                             6

Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program

The funding opportunity announcements for FAST are now open: May 4, 2018 through June 20, 2018.  See www.grants.gov for full announcement information:

FAST-2018-R-0012 (general applicants, $2 million available for awards up to $125,000)

FAST-2018-R-0012A (SBTDCs, $1 million available for awards up to $125,000)

The FAST Partnership Program provides one year funding for organizations to execute state/regional programs to increase the number of SBIR/STTR proposals (through outreach and financial support); increase the number of SBIR/STTR awards (through technical assistance and mentoring); and better prepare SBIR/STTR awardees for commercialization success (through technical assistance and mentoring).



NEW! Department of Education Announces Assistance to Storm- and Wildfire-Impacted Schools under (1) Emergency Assistance to Institutions of Higher Education Program

 Under the Emergency Assistance to Institutions of Higher Education Program  (EAI), the Department will award grants to eligible institutions of higher education (IHEs) for emergency assistance in areas directly affected by a covered disaster or emergency: Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, and the wildfires in calendar year 2017 for which the President declared a major disaster or emergency under section 401 or 501 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.   Under the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Budget Act) the funds available under the EAI Program are for programs authorized under subpart 3 of part A and part C of title IV and part B of title VII of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended, but the funds may be used for activities beyond those supported by those specific programs.  The Department has identified a total of $100,000,000 for investment under EAI.  The estimated maximum award is $20,000,000 with an average size of awards established at $650,000.  The Department projects a total of 150 awards. The Department will make the pre-applications available upon today’s publication of a FEDERAL REGISTER notice, and it will make the applications available after review of the pre-applications.  ·        Deadline for Transmittal of Pre-Applications: June 4, 2018.·        Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: August 1, 2018. Eligible Applicants: Institutions that (1) meet the definition of “institution of higher education” in section 101 or section 102(a)(1) of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1001 and 1002(a)(1)), and (2) are located in areas directly affected by a covered disaster or emergency. See: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2018-05-03/pdf/2018-09417.pdf


NEW! FCC Order: Accelerating Wireless Broadband Deployment by Removing Barriers to Infrastructure Investment

 The Federal Communications Commission has adopted rules to streamline the wireless infrastructure siting review process to facilitate the deployment of next-generation wireless facilities. As part of the FCC's efforts, the agency consulted with a wide range of communities to determine the appropriate steps needed to enable the rapid and efficient deployment of next-generation wireless networks--or 5G--throughout the United States. The Order focuses on ensuring the Commission's rules properly address the differences between large and small wireless facilities, and clarifies the treatment of small cell deployments.

As published in the May 3 FEDERAL REGISTER, the Order specifically excludes small wireless facilities deployed on non-Tribal lands from National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review, concluding that these facilities are not ``undertakings'' or ``major Federal actions.'' Small wireless facilities deployments continue to be subject to currently applicable state and local government approval requirements.

The Order also clarifies and makes improvements to the process for Tribal participation in section 106 historic preservation reviews for large wireless facilities where NHPA/NEPA review is still required; removes the requirement that applicants file Environmental Assessments solely due to the location of a proposed facility in a floodplain, as long as certain conditions are met; and establishes timeframes for the Commission to act on Environmental Assessments.

FCC states: “These actions will reduce regulatory impediments to deploying small cells needed for 5G and help to expand the reach of 5G for faster, more reliable wireless service and other advanced wireless technologies to more Americans:”

See: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2018-05-03/pdf/2018-08886.pdf (May 3 FEDERAL REGISTER document)

Webinar May 16 - BroadbandUSA Technical Assistance to Rural Communities

May 14-21, 2018 marks the 6th annual national Infrastructure Week, so BroadbandUSA is focusing this month on connectivity in rural communities. According to the FCC’s 2018 data, 25 million Americans and 31% of rural Americans do not have broadband available to them. The BroadbandUSA Technical Assistance Team has devoted time to working with providers and local government officials to improving broadband infrastructure in rural communities.

 For example, the team assisted a community in rural Alaska by providing solution- and technology-neutral advice on many issues, including market assessment, revenue modeling, construction schedules, and specific steps that the local government can implement to assist private providers speed up deployment and expansion of broadband infrastructure. A town in Virginia requested assistance during the implementation process of a new land mobile radio (LMR) public safety system. In Maine, the team provided feedback to a remote community during its Request for Information (RFI) development to attract potential broadband providers. On a regular basis, the team provides assistance to support infrastructure and digital inclusion planning, funding, and implementation efforts.

May 16, 2018

BroadbandUSA Practical Broadband Conversations Webinar Series: Infrastructure Week Special: Successful Models and Best Practices for Rural Broadband Deployment

The BroadbandUSA Technical Assistance Team is looking forward to serving more rural communities through building partnerships. Contact them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

NEW! USDA Accepting Applications for Funding under the Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant Program

Under the Community Facilities Technical and Assistance and Training grant program, USDA Agency makes grants to public bodies and private nonprofit corporations, (such as States, counties, cities, townships, and incorporated towns and villages, boroughs, authorities, districts, and Indian tribes on Federal and State reservations) to provide associations Technical Assistance and/or training with respect to essential community facilities programs.  The Technical Assistance and/or training will assist communities, Indian Tribes, and Nonprofit Corporations to identify and plan for community facility needs that exist in their area. 

USDA’s Rural Housing Service announced on May 3 it is accepting FY 2018 applications under this program.  Applications must be submitted by July 2.


USDA encourages applications that will support recommendations made in the Rural Prosperity Task Force report to help improve life in rural America (www.usda.gov/ruralprosperity). Applicants are encouraged to consider projects that provide measurable results in helping rural communities build robust and sustainable economies through strategic investments in infrastructure, partnerships, and innovation. Key strategies include: ·        Achieving e-Connectivity for Rural America·        Developing the Rural Economy·        Harnessing Technological Innovation·        Supporting a Rural Workforce·        Improving Quality of Life See: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2018-05-03/pdf/2018-09351.pdf

Previously Announced Federal Funding Opportunities Closing Soon:  

Below is a list of previously highlighted funding opportunities that are still open. Enter the Opportunity Number in Grants.gov to see announcement details. You can also search Grants.gov for a full list of current federal opportunities, including programs not listed below.


Opportunity Number

Opportunity Title



Posted Date

Close Date


Historic Preservation Fund Grants-in-Aid: Tribal Heritage Grants






Community Connect Grant Program






State Occupational Licensing Review and Reform






FY 2018 FOA for DOD’s Office of Naval Research (ONR) Manufacturing Engineering Education Program






Special Research Grants Program - Aquaculture Research






Specialty Crop Block Grant Program – Farm Bill






NRCS’ Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) for FY 2018 – Caribbean Area






Labor-Management Cooperation Grant Program






Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant Program






Food Safety Outreach Competitive Grant Program 2018






ROSES 2018: Earth Science Applications: Disaster Risk Reduction and Response






Industry Partnerships for Cybersecurity of Energy Delivery Systems (CEDS) Research, Development and Demonstration





NSF 17-590

Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources





Eligible applicants for FAST funding include state and local economic development agencies, Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs), accelerators, incubators, Women’s Business Centers, Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTACs), colleges, universities, and more. Only one proposal is allowed per state, with an accompanying letter from a state’s governor or equivalent.

More information on FAST at www.sbir.gov/about-fast

Suzette's Funding Letter, April 2018


  1. The Appalachian Community Fund (ACF)

ACF encourages grassroots social change in Central Appalachia (eastern Tennessee, eastern Kentucky, southwest Virginia and all of West Virginia). ACF provides support to community-based organizations working for social, economic, racial, and environmental justice. ACF’s General Fund provides operating support and project grants of up to $3,000 to grassroots organizations that are addressing the underlying causes of poverty and oppression in the region. The focus is on organizations with budgets less than $200,000 that have limited access to traditional funding sources. Deadline: 4/12/2018.


  1. National Endowment for the Arts Challenge America Program

NEA is offering support primarily to small and mid-sized organizations for projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations-those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability through its Challenge America program. Grants of $10,000 are available for professional arts programming and for projects that emphasize the potential of the arts in community development, and require a minimum $10,000 match. The involvement of experienced artists and arts professionals is essential. Each applicant must present a straightforward project that reflects only one of the following three project types: guest artist, cultural tourism, public art. Deadline: 4/12/2018.


  1. Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP)

HUD has released the Notice of Funding Announcement (NOFA) for the FY 2017 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP). The purpose of the YHDP is to promote comprehensive systems of care to address youth homelessness. YDHP will select up to 11 communities, including at least five rural communities, to support them in developing and implementing a coordinated community plan to prevent and end youth homelessness. Deadline: applications are due 4/17/2017.



Aetna Foundation is offering grants to nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and federally recognized Indian tribes for programs that focus on activities that align with at least one of the following five domains: Healthy Behaviors, Community Safety, Built Environment, Social/Economic Factors, and Environmental Exposures. Applicants can request from $50,000 to $100,000 for projects lasting between 18 and 24 months. Organizations with annual operating budgets below $250,000 are not eligible to apply. Deadlines: Stage 1 application deadline is 4/18/2018; Stage 2 applications are due 6/15/2018.


  1. Newman's Own Award
    Offers grants to organizations working to improve the quality of life for military members and their families, including programs for job training, housing, caregiver support, and mental health.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Apr 25, 2018
    Fisher House Foundation


  1. DOJ Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction Program

The U.S. Department of Justice is offering funding through The Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction Program. The program supports efforts in persistently distressed neighborhoods that face significant violent and serious crime challenges. Deadline: 4/29/2018.


  1. National Native American Youth Initiative (NNAYI)

The Association of American Indian Physicians is offering funding through the National Native American Youth Initiative (NNAYI). The initiative features a summer program designed to prepare American Indian and Alaska Native high school students to pursue careers in healthcare or biomedical research. Deadline to apply: 4/30/2018.


  1. 6.    Foundation for Financial Planning

Foundation for Financial Planning is offering grants to nonprofit organizations nationwide to support the delivery of pro bono financial planning to populations who could not otherwise afford or access financial planning services. Grants ranging from $5,000 to $40,000 support programs helping many diverse groups, including active military members and wounded veterans, people with cancer, seniors and family caregivers, domestic violence survivors, general low-income families, etc. Deadline: online applications must be submitted by 4/30/2018.

  1. DOJ Second Chance Act Comprehensive Community-Based Adult Reentry Program

The U.S. Department of Justice is offering grants through The Second Chance Act Comprehensive Community-Based Adult Reentry Program to nonprofits for community programs to help people who are reentering communities from incarceration. Deadline: 5/1/2018.


  1. Native Youth and Culture Fund
    Grants for projects that focus on youth and incorporate culture and tradition to address social and health issues, such as drug and alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy, and mental health.
    Geographic coverage:
    Letter of Intent (Required): Mar 8, 2018
    Application Deadline: May 1, 2018
    First Nations Development Institute
  2. AmeriCorps Indian Tribes Grants
    Funding for programs that are designed to strengthen tribal communities and solve local problems through service and volunteering.
    Geographic coverage:
    Letter of Intent (Optional): Apr 2, 2018
    Application Deadline: May 2, 2018
    Corporation for National and Community Service
  3. AmeriCorps State and National Grants - Targeted Priority
    Funding for programs that are designed to strengthen communities and solve local problems, including those found in rural and underserved areas. Funding priorities in 2018 include prescription drug and opioid abuse, child wellness, and infrastructure.
    Geographic coverage:
    Letter of Intent (Optional): Apr 2, 2018
    Application Deadline: May 2, 2018
    Corporation for National and Community Service
  4. VA Adaptive Sports Grant Program

Department of Veteran Affairs is offering grants to nonprofit and other organizations for programs to support adaptive sports activities for veterans within their home communities, as well as more advanced Paralympic and adaptive sports programs at the regional and national levels. Deadline: 5/2/2018.

  1. USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program

USDA is offering grants for projects that assist in the development, improvement, and expansion of domestic farmers markets, roadside stands, community‐supported agriculture programs, agritourism activities, and other direct producer‐to‐consumer market opportunities. Deadline: 5/7/2018.

  1. The Institute of Museum and Library Services

IMLS has announced the availability of funding through the Activating Community Opportunities Using Museums/Libraries as Assets program. Grants of up to $150,000 are offered to support projects that address significant challenges and opportunities facing the library, archive, and museum (LAM) fields and that have the potential to advance theory and practice. Libraries, museums, institutions of higher education and community organizations that support these entities are eligible to apply.

Deadline: 5/14/2018.


  1. USDA Community Connect Broadband Grant Program

USDA Rural Utilities Service has announced the availability of funding through the Community Connect Broadband Grant Program which provides grants for communities without broadband service to provide residential and business broadband services and connect facilities via broadband facilities such as police and fire stations, healthcare, libraries, and schools. Deadline: 5/14/2018.

  1. Healthcare Connect Fund
    Provides assistance to healthcare providers for eligible expenses related to broadband connectivity at a flat discounted rate of 65%. Participants can apply as a member of a consortium or a stand-alone entity.
    Geographic coverage:
    Application Deadline: May 31, 2018
    Universal Service Administrative Company
  2. Smart Rural Community Showcase Award
    Honors rural communities that have achieved high levels of broadband activity and have used it to support innovative practices in industry sectors, such as healthcare, safety and security, and economic development.
    Geographic coverage:
    Application Deadline: Jul 1, 2018
    Sponsor: NTCA:
    The Rural Broadband Association
  3. Rural Hospital Leadership Award
    Provides an educational stipend to a small or rural hospital administrator or chief executive officer to attend an AHA Annual Meeting or Health Forum Leadership Conference.
    Geographic coverage:
    Application Deadline: Aug 31, 2018
    American Hospital Association


  1. ARC commits $20M for new round of POWER grants

The Appalachian Regional Commission has released a request for proposals for the 2018 POWER (Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization) Program. In this round of funding, ARC will commit up to $20 million to support efforts that create a more vibrant economic future for coal-impacted communities in the ARC region by cultivating economic diversity, enhancing job training and re-employment opportunities, creating jobs in existing or new industries, and attracting new sources of investment. 


Evergreen Packaging and KidsGardening.org are proud to present our fourth annual national Carton 2 Garden Contest!  Open to public and private schools, contest winners will be selected based on their implementation of an innovative garden creation featuring creative and sustainable uses for repurposed milk and juice cartons. Your school can get started by collecting at least 100 empty cartons from your home, community, or cafeteria. After gathering cartons, it’s time to design and construct purposeful garden items and structures using them. Looking for ideas? Check out last year’s winners for inspiration and visit us on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest or tips, activities, and lessons.

  1. Indian Health Service Loan Repayment Program
    Loan repayment for educational loans in return for full-time clinical service in Indian Health Service programs.
    Geographic coverage: Nationwide
    Application Deadline: Aug 15, 2018
    Sponsors: Indian Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  1. RURAL LISC (Local Initiatives Support Corporation) 

Rural LISC created the Community Facilities Fund to provide capital to help develop and improve essential community facilities in rural areas. Rural LISC utilizes this fund to provide permanent and construction-to- permanent financing for rural community facilities, including health care centers, hospitals, educational facilities, and other nonprofit and public facilities in rural communities with populations under 20,000. Deadline: ongoing.

  1. Walmart Foundation

The Walmart Foundation’s Community Grant Program is offering grants to nonprofit organizations and agencies that work in one of the following areas: hunger relief and healthy eating, health and human service, quality of life, education, community and economic development, diversity and inclusion, public safety, or environmental sustainability. Awards range from $250 to $5,000. Deadline: applications are accepted on a rolling basis. 


  1. Home Depot Foundation

The Home Depot Foundation provides funding for nonprofit organizations and public agencies in the United States that are using the power of volunteers to improve communities through its Community Impact Grants program. Priority is given to projects that benefit veterans and/or diverse and underserved communities. Projects should be volunteer-friendly, engage people at all skill levels, and be expected to have a strong and lasting impact. Awards of up to $5,000 will be given in the form of The Home Depot gift cards for the purchase of tools, materials, or services.  Deadline: awards are made on a rolling basis.

  1. First Nations Development Institute

First Nations today announced it has received a one-year, $100,000 grant from the Agua Fund as renewed funding to assist Native American communities in South Dakota and on the Navajo Nation (Arizona, New Mexico and Utah). The funding allows First Nations to work with selected communities toward increasing control of their local food systems for improved health and well-being, as well as for asset-building and economic development purposes.

First Nations expects to issue a request for proposals for this grant program in the near future. Eligible entities will be Sioux or Navajo tribes, Sioux or Navajo-controlled nonprofit organizations, or Native community-based groups committed to increasing healthy food access in Sioux or Navajo communities.
First Nations will offer capacity-building training to the four selected participants, while two of these groups will receive direct grants of $30,000 each. The project will focus on tribal hunger, nutrition and healthy foods access, and will engage in activities such as conducting community food assessments and expanding initiatives for food-related business development. Participants will be selected based on their potential to serve as a positive model with replicable or adaptable components for other Native communities, as well as on their communities’ needs related to tribal hunger, food insecurity and healthy foods access.

  1. Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program, Fire Prevention and Safety Grants

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Grants Programs Directorate is responsible for the implementation and administration of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program. The Grant Programs Directorate administers the Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant Program as part of the AFG Program. The purpose of the FP&S Grant Program is to enhance the safety of the public and firefighters with respect to fire and fire-related hazards by assisting fire prevention programs and supporting firefighter health and safety research and development. FP&S Grants are offered to support projects in two activities: (1) activities designed to reach high-risk target groups and mitigate the incidence of death, injuries, and property damage caused by fire and fire-related hazards ("Fire Prevention and Safety Activity") and (2) research and development activities aimed at improving firefighter safety, health, or wellness through research and development that reduces firefighter fatalities and injuries ("Firefighter Safety Research and Development Activity"). The program guidance document provides potential applicants with the details of the requirements, processing, and evaluation of an application for financial assistance for both of these activity areas.

  1. Disaster Response Loans

Enterprise Community Loan Fund, Mercy Loan Fund and Neighborworks® Capital have partnered to offer $15 million in rapid-response loans for community organizations to accelerate recovery from last year’s hurricanes and wildfires. Loan recipients can use the financing for repairing, designing, and planning affordable housing developments; repairing existing or planned developments of other kinds; and relocating offices so organizations can return to work. Unsecured loans up to $500,000 will be available.

  1. 2019 National Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program

The Secretary of Agriculture has a congressionally designated advisory council that assists the U.S. Forest Service in establishing the grant categories and recommendations of final proposals for the Forest Service to consider. This is the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council (Council). The Council serves to advise the Secretary of Agriculture on the status of the nation’s urban and community forests and related natural resources. The Council seeks to establish sustainable urban and community forests, by encouraging communities of all sizes to manage and protect their natural resources, which, if well managed, improves the public’s health, well-being, economic vitality, and creates resilient ecosystems for present and future generations.

*To receive updates on other funding opportunities, please consider creating an account and subscribing here to receive e-mail alerts for your particular interest(s). 



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