USDA Launches Webpage to Announce Rural Broadband Projects Seeking Funds Under the Electric Program
USDA has launched a webpage to notify the public when the Department has received applications from rural electric cooperatives and utilities for loans and loan guarantees in which up to 10 percent of the funds will be used to deploy broadband service. This website supports a final rule authorized by Section 6210 of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (The 2018 Farm Bill) to allow the use of funds under select programs to help expand access to broadband services in rural America. For additional information, see page 57077 of the Sept. 15 Federal Register.
Electric Co-ops Celebrate 25 Years of Commitment to Community, Core Values
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, a national service organization for more than 900 not-for-profit rural electric cooperatives and public power districts providing retail electric service to more than 42 million consumer-members in 48 states, offers a re-cap of success stories highlighting the 7th Cooperative Principle or Concern for Community. Downloadable posters: Seven Cooperative Principles.
Powering the Future of Rural America
National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation, a nonprofit cooperative that provides an array of financial services to electric cooperatives nationwide, published an annual report outlining their dedication to the universal principles of cooperatives.
Expanding Community College Apprenticeships
U.S. Department of Labor funded national initiative, led by the American Association of Community Colleges, published state by state data showing significant advances in its first year of their three year plan to increase the number of apprentices and services throughout the U.S.
Event Opportunities
Co-op Impact Conference – National Cooperative Business Association
October 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 | Virtual Conference
NCBA CLUSA’s Co-op IMPACT Conference is a national, cross-sector event elevating the national conversation on Co-ops offering a platform to reenergize the cooperative movement and galvanize its champions around building the next economy.
Local Foods, Local Places: Application Assistance
October 9 | Webinar
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and USDA invite communities to join to learn about the program and get technical assistance to help revitalize their economy, promote local foods, improve health, and protect the environment by revitalizing neighborhoods through the development of local food systems. (Application deadline is October 30)
National Association of Development Organizations 2020 Annual Training Conference
October 20 - 22 | Virtual
NADO annual event featuring sessions on economic development, housing, environment, workforce, broadband and more.
2020 NREDA Annual Conference: Keys to Holistic Economic Development
November 4 - 6 | Virtual Conference
National Rural Economic Developers Association, a professional organization dedicated exclusively to the advancement of rural development, will gather economic developers, electric and telephone co-op representatives, federal partners and others to network and learn the latest in the economic development industry.
Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities
November 9 - 13, 2020 | Virtual Conference
Hosted by a team of University Extension Offices, this community development initiative brings together entrepreneurs, business leaders, economic development professionals, decision makers, and community champions to strengthen and broaden regional entrepreneurial networks.
CDF National Home Care Cooperative Conference
February 22 – 25 | Virtual Conference
Cooperative Development Foundation event for home-care worker cooperative members and developers.
NTIA’s Minority Broadband Initiative-USDA Rural Utilities Service Technical Assistance Webinar Series
This technical assistance webinar series provides Historically Black Colleges and Universities an overview of the grant application process, guidance for narrative preparation, and how to prepare budget/financial statements for USDA’s Distance Learning & Telemedicine, Community Connect, and Reconnect programs. Recorded webinar links are below:
- Session 1 | Introduction to USDA Telecommunication Programs
- Session 2 | Community Connect
- Session 3 | ReConnect Program Overview
- Session 4 | Distance Learning & Telemedicine (DLT) Grant Program Overview
- Session 5 | Telecom Mapping Tools
- Session 6 | Success Stories and Lessons Learned