For Co-op Conversions, It’s All in the Timing A success story about an employee ownership conversion – turning established businesses into worker cooperatives or other kinds of employee-owned businesses.
You’ve Got Your Market Study, Now What? The Food Co-op Initiative provides free resources to individuals working to start a retail food or grocery co-op. Cooperative Educators Network – A free and open hub for educational resources for teaching and learning about cooperative enterprises. Services are offered in English, Spanish and French. National Tribal Energy Summit: Recorded Sessions Access videos from the plenary sessions regarding tribal energy issues. Study: Broadband a Boost for Rural Telemedicine Use A new study shows that people in counties with poor broadband access are less likely to be treated via telemedicine.
Event Opportunities
Small & Strong Food Co-op Conference October 26, 2019 | Bloomington, MN A networking and training event for staff and board members of small and startup food co-ops offering sessions on financial training, community impact and strategies for saving the small-town grocery store through conversion to cooperative ownership.
Toolkit Implementation: Practical Application of Tools and Skills for Cooperative Developers November 4-7| Madison, Wisconsin A workshop that builds upon basic concepts to then dive deeper into co-op business planning tools, like feasibility, to support in stable business development. Scholarships available.
Utilizing USDA’s Loan Guarantee Program to Finance Tribal Projects November 6, 2019 | Free Webinar Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and USDA Rural Development provide a tribal learning event to examine the USDA’s Loan Guarantee Programs from a banker’s perspective.
National Rural Economic Developers Association Annual Conference November 6-8, 2019 | Kansas City, Missouri The conference features discussions about the advancement of rural development and the achievement of social and human service objectives in rural areas.
National SBIR Road Tour Schedule 2019 November 13–15 | Miami, Florida and Puerto Rico Small Business Administration Road Tour connects entrepreneurs working on advanced technology to the country’s largest source of early stage funding with a focus on next generation research and development. 2019 National Homecare Cooperative Conference November 19-22|Dulles, Virginia Homecare worker cooperative members and developers from across the country will gather at the fourth annual National Homecare Cooperative Conference.
Newsletters, websites and emails from which we gather this information include:
- USDA Rural Development’s full Catalog of Programs
- Foundation Center
- The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
- Pew Research Center
- Philanthropy News Digest
- Rural LISC e-newsletter
- National Association for Development Organization
USDA Rural Development Innovation Center
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