Publications">Expanding Broadband Service in Rural Areas TribalNet Magazine USDA encourages tribal communities to learn more about the ReConnect Program to determine how it can help address broadband infrastructure needs.">Can Philanthropy Become a True Partner in Indian Country? Non Profit Quarterly Nonprofit Quarterly publishes a comprehensive piece that highlights various sources on the giving patters of Philanthropic entities, and data supporting giving patterns, for the Tribal communities.">2019 State of the Workforce Report National Association of State Workforce Agencies Report highlights innovations to serve the workforce with the latest key labor market information, workforce agency profile and “State Innovations” to further support their local labor force.
Event Opportunities">Rural Workforce Development Southern Region Summit October 2 – 4, 2019 | Morrilton, Arkansas A convening for rural partners to share solutions to complex issues, identify available resources, and increase access to workforce opportunities in the southern region. Co-hosted by Winthrop Rockefeller Institute at the University of Arkansas and the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton.">Be a Change Agent! How to Improve Employment Motivation in the Hard-to-Employ October 8 | Free Webinar National Association of Workforce Development Professionals offers free motivation labor centered workshop.">Sustainable Tourism & Outdoor Recreation Conference October 8–11, 2019 | Astoria, Oregon Conference designed to enhance sustainable tourism development nationally by providing relevant research, training, resources and networking opportunities in tourism and recreation marketing, management and development.">Rural Homecoming October 18 - 20 | Various locations This fall, communities will come together to celebrate and give current and former residents a reason to reconnect with their hometown and the innovation and unique attributes that make their community so special. Rural Homecoming was developed by the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) in partnership with the LOR Foundation, and today the organizations are launching the program by inviting any rural community across the country to participate, free of charge.">Sign up.">National SBIR Road Tour Schedule 2019 November 13–15 | Miami, Florida and Puerto Rico SBA Road Tour connecting entrepreneurs working on advanced technology to the country’s largest source of early stage funding with a focus on next generation research & development led by the SBA with 11 participating federal agencies.">National Rural Economic Developers Association Annual Conference November 6-8, 2019 | Kansas City, Missouri Conference features discussions relating to the advancement of rural development and the achievement of social and human service objectives in rural areas.
Newsletters, websites and emails from which we gather this information include:
- USDA Rural Development’s full">Catalog of Programs
- Foundation Center
- The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
- Pew Research Center
- Philanthropy News Digest
- Rural LISC e-newsletter
- National Association for Development Organization
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