U.S. Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation
Funding to aid in developing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. DOJ’s existing Tribal Government–specific programs are included in and available through this single Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation. Application Deadline: Feb 26, 2019.
Promoting Research on Music and Health
This grant is intended to encourage exploratory studies to increase our understanding of how music affects the brain, body, and behavior and use that knowledge to develop evidence-based music interventions to enhance health or treat specific diseases and disorders. Application Deadline: Feb 28, 2019.
A Community Thrives' Program
USA Today Network is accepting application to provide grants totaling $2 million dollars. The grants will be awarded to nonprofits across the U.S. to support ideas to "build" community. Application Deadline: February 28, 2019.
Blooming Prairie Foundation Grant
This foundation offers grants to nonprofit organizations nationwide that conduct any of the following activities: developmental, research, and educational efforts in the organic industry and the cooperative community; the development of organic and natural products; and cooperative development in the natural products industry. Visit the Foundation’s website here to review the grant guidelines. Application Deadline: March 01, 2019.
Kress Foundation: Conservation Grant Program
Support for the professional practice of art conservation, including conservation research, scholarly publications, international conferences and symposia. Please see Grants FAQs for answers to common application questions. Application process requires a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) via the Foundation’s online grantmaking portal and review How to Apply. Letter of Inquiry required by March 01, 2019.
Leveraging Health Information Technology to Address Minority Health and Health Disparities
Grants for research that examines how health information technology adoption impacts minority health and health disparity populations in access to care, quality of care, patient engagement, and health outcomes. Application Deadline: March 04, 2019.
Hillman Innovations in Care Program
The Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation invite proposals for grants from healthcare organizations and practitioners for nursing-driven projects that serve vulnerable populations. Grants support programs that improve the health and health care of vulnerable populations, including the economically disadvantaged, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ people, the homeless, rural populations, and others. Full details are in the RFP, available here. Application Deadline: March 04, 2019.
DOT Opens 2nd Round of INFRA Grant Program.
The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) is announcing the second round of the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) discretionary grant program. The INFRA program will make approximately $855-902.5M available to projects that are in line with the Administration’s principles to help rebuild America’s infrastructure. Eligible INFRA project costs may include: reconstruction, rehabilitation, acquisition of property (including land related to the project and improvements to the land), environmental mitigation, construction contingencies, equipment acquisition, and operational improvements directly related to system performance. Application Deadline: March 4, 2019.
Increasing Access to Healthy Foods Innovation Grants
Grants administered through the National Recreation and Park Association for working with local park and recreation agencies to implement at least one of three selected innovation strategies to increase access to healthy foods within underserved communities. Application Deadline: March 06, 2019.
Native Youth and Culture Fund
First Nations Development Institute offers grants for projects that focus on youth and incorporate culture and tradition to address social and health issues, such as drug and alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy, and mental health. Application Deadline: March 12, 2019.
North American Association for Environmental Education-UL Innovative Education AwardGrants of up to $100,000 will be awarded to nonprofit organizations working to advance environmental literacy through the use of STEM principles. Application Deadline: March 12, 2019.
New Access Points (NAP)
The Bureau of Primary Health Care funds operational support for new service delivery sites to improve the health of the nation’s underserved communities and vulnerable populations by expanding access to affordable, accessible, quality, and cost effective primary health care services. Application Deadline: March 12, 2019.
Funding Available for Northern Border Communities – Forest Based Economies
The Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) announced a new opportunity for regional approaches to economic development under the Regional Forest Economy Partnership. Allows for creative opportunities to improve communities in NBRC’s service area, including parts of ME, NH, NY and VT. Letter of Interest Due: March 15, 2019.
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
Study minor cannabinoids and terpenes in the cannabis plant as it relates to pain and nociception. They offer two Funding Opportunities. Application Deadline: March 15, 2019.
Reeve Foundation Quality of Life Grants
Grants to nonprofit organizations that provide services to improve the daily lives of people with paralysis and their families. Application Deadline: March 19, 2019.
Kresge’s Climate Change, Health & Equity initiative
Focuses on the planning phase of a multi-year effort supporting community-based nonprofit organizations and their capacity to accelerate the implementation of policies and practices that advance climate resilience and reduce health risks equitably. Kresge will fund 12-15 one-year planning grants of up to $100,000 each during the planning phase. The second phase of the initiative will provide multi-year project implementation grants. View or download the application packet at this link.Application Deadline: March 19, 2019.
WaterSMART Program Grants
The US Bureau of Reclamation is making funding available to support water and energy efficiency grants. These grants will be awarded to projects that will result in quantifiable and sustained water savings and support broader water reliability benefits. Various deadlines as noted below.
- Water Savings and Reliability Program. Application Deadline: March 19, 2019.
- Drought Resiliency Projects. Application Deadline: March 27, 2019.
- Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects. Application Deadline: April 24, 2019.
Community Development Block Grant Program for Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages
HUD offers grants for the development of Indian and Alaska Native communities, including housing, public service facilities, healthcare entities, and economic development projects. Application Deadline: March 20, 2019. Targeted Capacity Expansion: Special Projects The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, is accepting applications to develop and implement targeted strategies for substance use disorder treatment provision to address a specific population or area of focus identified by the community. Application Deadline: March 25, 2019.
Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG) Program
USDA Rural Development’s RBDG Program offers a competitive grant designed to support targeted technical assistance, training, and other activities leading to the development or expansion of small and emerging private businesses in rural areas which will employ 50 or fewer new employees and has less than $1 million in gross revenue. Specific requirements apply. Application Deadline: March 29, 2019.
FM Global Fire Prevention Grant
Fire departments and brigades, as well as national, state, regional, local and community organizations can apply for funding to support a wide array of fire prevention, preparedness and control efforts, including pre-incident planning, fire prevention education/training and arson prevention/fire investigation. Frequently Asked Questions. Application Deadline: March 31, 2019.
Alzheimer's Disease Programs Initiative Grants to States and Communities
Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers grants to support the development and expansion of dementia-capable home and community-based service systems in states and communities. Application Deadline: April 01, 2019.
Native American Library Services: Basic Grants
The goal of the FY 2019 Native American Library Services Basic Grants Program is to support existing library operations and maintain core library services. Application Deadline: April 01, 2019.
New Investigators in Addressing Cross-Cutting Violence Prevention and Opioid Overdose Prevention
The National Center for Injury and Prevention Control intends to provide support and 75% “protected time” for an intensive, supervised (mentored) career development experience to develop new researchers in the fields of opioid overdose prevention and cross-cutting violence prevention. Application Deadline: April 01, 2019.
Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program
Offered by the Department of Education Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, this grant provides funding to create, develop, implement, replicate or take to scale entrepreneurial, evidence-based, field-initiated innovations to improve student achievement and attainment for high-need students; and rigorously evaluate such innovations. Application Deadline: April 02, 2019.
Building Communities of Recovery | SAMHSA
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), is accepting applications to support to mobilize resources within and outside of the recovery community to increase the prevalence and quality of long-term recovery support from substance abuse and addiction. Application Deadline: April 02, 2019.
2019 Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) Program
Operated by EDA’s Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship continues to increase regional capacity to bring technologies to market and grow innovative companies by investing in projects that support entrepreneurs and increase access to risk capital offers funding through two competitions. FY19 i6 Challenge: Supports projects that increase regional capacity to accelerate the translation of innovations, ideas, intellectual property, and research into products, services, companies, and jobs; and FY19 Seed Fund Support (SFS) Grant Competition supports projects that create, launch, or expand equity-based seed funds or that create networks and tools that enable capital to flow into high-growth startups in all parts of the U.S. For information on eligibility and how to apply. Application Deadline: April 04, 2019.
Farm Business Management and Benchmarking (FBMB) Competitive Grants Program
USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture FBMB Competitive Grants Program provides funds for improving the farm management knowledge and skills of agricultural producers by maintaining and expanding a national, publicly available farm financial management database to support improved farm management. For more information these links: Request for Applications and Apply for Grant. Application Deadline: April 09, 2019.
ARC Accepting Proposals for 2019 POWER Initiative
The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) is accepting applications for the FY 2019 POWER (Partnership for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization) Initiative. ARC's POWER Initiative will continue focusing on regional investments that maximize economic revitalization in the Appalachian region’s coal-impacted communities. The 2019 Request for Proposals (RFP) is available here. Application Deadline: April 10, 2019.
Challenge America Fast-Track Grants
National Endowment for the Arts is accepting applications from small and midsize organizations for projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations, including those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability. Link to Complete RFP. Applicants are encouraged to consider partnerships among organizations, both in and outside the arts, as appropriate to their project. Workshop on guidelines Webinar to be held on Feb 27, 2019. Link: Register for the webinar Application Deadline: April 11, 2019.
Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program Grants
The USDA Rural Development Rural Utilities Service (RUS) offers two funding opportunities for Distance Learning and Telemedicine. One is for the program as has been operated annually (“Traditional DLT”) and one is for projects related to prevention, treatment, or recovery for opioid use disorder in rural areas (“Opioid DLT”). Please review the Funding Opportunity Announcements: Traditional FOA and Opioid FOA. Specific requirements apply. Applications under the Traditional DLT program must be submitted by May 15, 2019, while those under the Opioid DLT program must be submitted by April 15, 2019.
Social and Economic Development Strategies –SEDS program
The Administration for Native Americans within the HHS Administration for Children and Families is seeking applications focused on community-driven projects designed to grow local economies, strengthen Native American families, including the preservation of Native American cultures, and decrease the high rate of current challenges caused by the lack of community-based businesses, and social and economic infrastructure in Native American communities. Application Deadline: April 15, 2019.
Community Connect Grants
The USDA Rural Development Rural Utilities Service (RUS) offers funds to support broadband deployment into rural communities where it is not yet economically viable for private sector providers to deliver service. Rural areas that lack any existing broadband speed of at least 10 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream are eligible. Use of funds may include the construction, acquisition, or leasing of facilities, spectrum, land or buildings used to deploy broadband service for residential and business customers or critical community facilities (such as public schools, fire stations, and public libraries); the cost of providing broadband service free of charge to the critical community facilities for 2 years; and less than 10% of the grant amount or up to $150,000 may be used for the improvement, expansion, construction or acquisition of a community center that provides online access to the public. Specific Requirements apply. Applications for this program are serviced by RUS national office staff, available at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please review the Community Connect fact sheet. Application Deadline: April 15, 2019.
Adult Drug Court Discretionary Program: Implementation and Enhancement Grants
The Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice offers grants to establish new drug courts or enhance existing drug court programs using evidence-based principles and practices. This program provides resources to drug court programs and systems for nonviolent offenders with addictions, including opioid abuse and overdose. Application Deadline: April 16, 2019.
Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health Grant Program
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers grants to promote the wellness of young children from birth to 8 years by addressing the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of their development to ensure children are thriving in safe, supportive environments, and entering school ready to learn and able to succeed. Application Deadline: April 19, 2019.
William T. Grant Foundation
Accepting applications for research projects designed to advance understanding in the area of inequalities in youth development and/or to increase understanding of how research is acquired, understood, and used, as well as the circumstances that shape its use in decision making. This foundation seeks to improve the lives of youth between the ages 5 and 25 and believes that the research community can play a critical role in reversing this trend. Application Deadline: May 1, 2019and August 1, 2019.
Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Training and Technical Assistance
Grants for Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) to assist Protection and Advocacy Systems in promoting full participation in the electoral process for individuals with disabilities, including registering to vote, casting a vote, and accessing polling places; demonstrating and evaluating the use systems and technologies by individuals with disabilities (including blindness); and providing T/TA for non-visual access. Application Deadline: May 10, 2019.
Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health Grant Program
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) offers grants to promote the wellness of young children from birth to 8 years by addressing the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of their development to ensure children are thriving in safe, supportive environments, and entering school ready to learn and able to succeed. Application Deadline: April 19, 2019.
Adult Drug Court Discretionary Program: Implementation and Enhancement Grants
Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice offers funding to establish new drug courts or enhance existing drug court programs using evidence-based principles and practices. Provides resources to drug court programs and systems for nonviolent offenders with addictions, including opioid abuse and overdose. Application Deadline: April 16, 2019.
Rural Health Care Telecommunications Program
Universal Service Administrative Company offers assistance to healthcare providers for eligible expenses related to broadband connectivity based on the urban-rural price difference in an area. Application Deadline: May 31, 2019.
ReConnect Program
USDA Launches New Program to Create High-Speed Internet e-Connectivity in Rural America! Telecommunications companies, rural electric cooperatives and utilities, internet service providers and municipalities may apply for funding through USDA’s ReConnect Program to connect rural areas that currently have insufficient broadband service. Projects funded through this initiative must serve communities with fewer than 20,000 people with no broadband service or where service is slower than 10 megabits per second (mbps) download and 1 mbps upload. Priority will be awarded for projects that propose to deliver higher-capacity connections to rural homes, businesses and farms. Specific requirements apply. USDA will make available approximately $200 million for grants. To give potential applicants adequate time to access technical assistance from USDA staff and its partners, the first application deadline will be no earlier than May 31, 2019.
Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program (RTCA)
National Park Service (NPS) staff offer Technical Assistance. The RTCA program supports community-led natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation projects across the nation. NPS partners with community groups, nonprofit organizations, tribes, and government agencies to realize conservation and outdoor recreation goals. Projects typically fall within these four focus areas, although they will consider other project focus areas: to build healthy communities through parks, trails, and outdoor opportunities; to conserve natural lands, rivers, and watersheds; to engage youth in outdoor recreation and stewardship; or to strengthen the organizational capacity of project partners. Contact the Regional Program Manager for application support. Application Deadline: June 30, 2019.
Virtual Living Room-Using Technology to Address Critical Healthcare Needs of Veterans in Rural Areas
Foundation for Rural Service, NTCA: The Rural Broadband Association, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers a grant program that combines rural technology, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs resources, and local support to provide solutions to improve healthcare access for veterans in rural areas. You can establish your Virtual Living Room anywhere such as Veterans of Foreign War lodge, American Legion, library, firehouse, church or community center. Applications accepted on an ongoing basis.
*To receive updates on Federal funding opportunities, please consider creating an account and subscribing to Grants.gov to receive e-mail alerts for your interest(s).