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WEEK OF JUNE 30, 2014


Keys to Community Branding 

Find out why Opelousas, Louisiana is "perfectly seasoned" and Hollister, California is "a great place to bale", in a presentation on the importance of branding communities by expert Ben Muldrow of Arnett Muldrow & Associates. Watch the video.

FCC: ‘Telemedicine, It's Coming’ 

Jun 19, 2014 -- The Federal Communications Commission's Healthcare Connect initiative is expanding from a pilot of 50 sites to another 76 organizations. The goal of the program is to increase broadband connectivity in underserved areas, allowing rural providers better access to telemedicine services. Source: mHealth News

Childhood Obesity Prevention Strategies for Rural Communities - Covers childhood obesity in rural communities including common themes and lessons learned, the role of early care, education, and out-of-school time in obesity prevention. Also provides examples of community initiatives and recommendations to policymakers for preventing obesity.Organization: Nemours Foundation. Date: 2014

 Sketch of Community Health Centers: Chart Book 2014 - A pictorial overview of the federal Health Center Program and the rural and urban communities they serve. Displays figures documenting services provided, accomplishments in improving access and in the delivery of high quality, cost-effective care. Organization: National Association of Community Health Centers. Date: 2014

An article in The Washington Post titled “An Economic Defense of Old Buildings” made the case for old buildings as an essential part of community economic development using data from the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Read the story here. Note: while these are highly urban places, I suspect it holds true for small rural towns too.


USDA Rural Development Update & Impact on Co-ops: An NCBA CLUSA Webinar Series, FREE webinar! Thursday, July 10, 2014, 2 to 3 p.m. EDT

NCBA CLUSA is gearing up for the second installment in its webinar series presented by Lillian Salerno, administrator of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Business-Cooperative Service.  Register Today!
The ongoing webinar series convenes the cooperative community to hear directly from Administrator Salerno and her staff about the strategic direction her agency is taking as it implements administration and department priorities and initiatives, including the recent Farm Bill. 

During this webinar, NCBA CLUSA will provide a legislative update on the status of fiscal year 2015 funding for the Rural Cooperative Development Grant (RCDG) program. The USDA will outline RCDG funding initiatives for fiscal year 2014 and explain how the department's focus on poverty alleviation, Promise Zones, community economic development and co-op services inform the program. 

Topics may include: 

  • Promise Zones 
  • The Rural Cooperative Development Grant program
  • Interagency Working Group on cooperative development  
  • poverty alleviation 
  • economic development 

Want to join the discussion? Email you questions for Administrator Salerno to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

From Ohio's Employee-Owned Network:

We are excited about starting this year’s webinar offerings with 12 “one-hour” sessions covering a variety of topics presented by some of the most experienced, knowledgeable, and dynamic professionals in the ESOP community. You and your employee owners will want to take advantage of this convenient and economical way to learn. Below is a list of the upcoming webinars, and you can click here for additional information and how to register:

2014 Webinars

July 9th, 2014 – Understanding Your ESOP Statement and Stock Valuation - Carl Sheeler, Berkeley Research Group, LLC, San Diego CA
July 16th, 2014 – S Corporation Issues 2 - Dave Gustafson, Apple Growth Partners, Akron OH
July 23rd, 2014 – ABCs of ESOPs for New Participants – Mark Mills, Mills Potoczak, Columbus OH
July 30th, 2014 – Age 55 Diversification 101 - Mark Swanson, Crowe Horwath, Columbus OH
August 6th, 2014 – Repurchase Obligation 1: Design Your Plan for Success – Dave Gustafson, Apple Growth Partners, Akron OH
August 13th, 2014 – Repurchase Obligation 2: Financing Options - Alberto del Pilar, Butcher Joseph Hayes, St. Louis MO
August 20th, 2014 – Internal or External Trustee? - Harvey Katz, FoxRothschild, New York NY
August 27th 2014 – Your Responsibilities as an Internal Trustee – Martin Staubus, Beyster Institute San Diego CA
September 3rd, 2014 – Managing Your New ESOP Company - Martin Staubus, Beyster Institute San Diego CA
September 10th, 2014 – Managing Your Mature ESOP Company - Jeffrey S. Buettner, Butcher Joseph Hayes, St. Louis MO
September 17th, 2014 – ABCs of ESOPs for Selling Owners and Their Advisors - Tim Jochim, Schatz Brown Glassman Kossow LLP, Columbus OH

Registration is FREE for member companies of Ohio’s Employee-Owned Network and for Professional Member companies; $60 for each participant from non-member companies and the general public. click here for additional information

RECORDED WEBINAR: NADO Research Foundation Hosts Webinar Covering the “Nuts and Bolts of Designing a Regional Plan” - On June 16, the NADO Research Foundation hosted a webinar, “Putting It All Together:  The Nuts and Bolts of Designing a Regional Plan (That People Will Actually Read).”  Three executive directors of NADO member organizations presented their strategies and tips for designing and laying out an engaging and practical planning document, following the completion of their multi-year HUD-funded Sustainable Communities planning processes.  Presenters were:  Kevin Byrd, Executive Director, New River Valley Planning District Commission (VA) – Livability in the New River ValleyCheryal Hills, Executive Director, Region Five Development Commission (MN) – Resilient Region Plan; and Pat Steed, Executive Director, Central Florida Regional Planning Council – Heartland 2060:  Building a Resilient Region.  Click here to view the webinar recording and download the presentation slides.  Contact Brett Schwartz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.

RECORDED WEBINAR: Rural Health Workforce Funding Programs (webinar recording)

Webinar presented by Rebecca Cruger, RAC Funding Specialist. Provides information on how workforce investment boards can collaborate with state offices of rural health and highlights funding programs designed to grow and sustain a new crop of rural health workers. 60 minutes in length.

Webinars: Conflict Smoothies 2015

Conflict Smoothies are a series of nine, 30-minute online sessions focused on interpersonal and inter-group conflict resolution. They consist of engaging and interactive ‘snippets’ of a comprehensive framework. All will occur from 1:30-2 p.m. EST every Tuesday beginning Jan. 13, 2015, through March10, 2015. Most of the time is spent building understanding and practicing skills (through poll and chat pods). Please join us for some healthy thought nourishment that will build your conflict muscles! Here are the titles (see the flyer, for more descriptive info):

1. Approach: How to handle a conflict? Jan. 13, 2015
2. Begin: How to avoid fight or flight? (Part 1) Jan. 20, 2015
3. Listen: How to avoid fight or flight? (Part 2) Jan. 27, 2015
4. Apologize or Contrast: How to avoid fight or flight? (Part 3) Feb. 3, 2015
5. Reframe: How to move toward resolution? Feb. 10, 2015
6. Role Storming: How to construct creative resolutions? Feb. 17, 2015
7. Reach Agreement: What to do when stuck in the Groan Zone? Feb. 24, 2015
8. Diagnosis: Why consider the 'why' of conflict? March 3, 2015
9. Application & Review: How to handle difficult behaviors? March 10, 2015

The cost for the series is $70, which includes access to all nine sessions, handouts, an online 'conflict modes' inventory, and a personalized, 11-page color report. If cancellation is received after Jan. 1, 2015, there will be a $17.25 cancellation fee, the cost of the conflict inventory.

Download Event Flyer


READY Communities - http://srdc.msstate.edu/readycommunity/ - A companion to FEMA's Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101, ReadyCommunity provides a process to help guide the work of local communities in planning for a disaster. Facilitated by a neutral coach, the initiative fosters broad civic participation, creates links to needed assets and resources within the community, and supplies current data to help guide the planning process.

Current pilot efforts are taking place in Montana, Texas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Washington, and North Dakota.

Medicare Chronic Conditions Dashboards 

Provides access to national, state, county and hospital referral region statistics for Medicare beneficiaries related to chronic disease prevalence, utilization, and Medicare spending. Organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Mobile Health Map - Provides a map of the estimated 2,000 mobile health clinics across the country, which visually demonstrates the extensive network of communities served by mobile clinics. Offers mobile healthcare providers an online tool for calculating an ROI (return on investment) ratio for their mobile health services. Organization: Mobile Health Clinics Association

Resources for finding and creating images for promotional materials

Images help bring your story to life and you can use them on almost all your promotional materials such as fliers, websites, videos, newsletters, and social media. If your program is just getting started, you can use stock photos to spruce up your marketing materials. If you have your own, you can edit them using free tools available online.


White House Announces National Disaster Resilience Competition

On June 14, the White House announced the National Disaster Resilience Competition.  The nearly $1 billion competition will invite communities that have experienced disasters to compete for funds to help them rebuild and increase their resilience to future disasters.  Of the competition funds available through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds from the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, about $820 million will be available to all states and local governments that experienced a Presidentially-declared disaster in 2011, 2012, and 2013.  States in the Hurricane Sandy-affected region will be eligible to compete for approximately $180 million.  All successful applicants will need to show how their proposed action relates to the disaster from which they are recovering.  HUD will ensure that geographic diversity is a consideration in the selection of participating communities.  Additional details are forthcoming.  Click here to view the White House Fact Sheet on the competition.  Contact Megan McConville at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.

Native Strong: Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures Promising Program Grants - Application deadline: Jul 14, 2014 

Awards funding to existing programs that work to reduce childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes for Native American children. Sponsor: Notah Begay III Foundation

Conference on College Composition and Communication Seeks Nominations for 2015 Advancement of Knowledge Award - DEADLINE: July 15, 2014

The prize is presented annually for empirical research published within the previous two years that promotes the study of college writing...

EREF Accepting Applications for Sustainable Solid Waste Management Research Grants  - DEADLINE: July 15, 2014

Grants of up to $500,000 will be awarded for research projects related to sustainable solid waste management practices....

Community Wellness Centers: Serving Crime Victims' Needs - Application deadline: Jul 15, 2014. Offers funding to tribes or tribal organizations to develop community wellness, victim-centered strategies, including the establishment of a community wellness center that provides services and resources. Sponsor: Office for Victims of Crime

Local Foods, Local Places - Application deadline: Jul 15, 2014 

Provides direct technical support to communities to help them build strong local food systems and revitalize downtowns, main streets, and traditional neighborhoods through food system projects, providing access to healthy, fresh food. Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) Skills Training and Health Workforce Development of Paraprofessionals - Application deadline: Jul 16, 2014. Awards funding to colleges and universities to operate and expand paraprofessional training programs that will meet the employment needs of a community, especially in rural and underserved areas. Sponsor: Bureau of Health Workforce

American Indians Into Psychology - Application deadline: Jul 18, 2014 

Grants to operate the Indians into Psychology Program, which will recruit and provide scholarships to individuals who will become clinical psychologists and provide service to American Indian/Alaskan Native populations.  Sponsor: Indian Health Service

Community Economic Development (CED) Projects - Application deadline: Jul 21, 2014 

Offers funds to Community Development Corporations (CDCs) for projects designed to address the economic needs of low-income individuals and families through the creation of employment and business opportunities, including expansion or construction of clinics and health centers. Bonus points will be given to projects that create jobs in rural communities. Sponsor: Administration for Children and Families

Section 533 Rural Housing Preservation Grants - Application deadline: Jul 28, 2014. Grants to organizations that work to assist rural low-income homeowners and renters to repair and rehabilitate their homes.  Sponsor: USDA Housing and Community Facilities Programs

Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program for Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages - Application deadline: Jul 29, 2014 

Grants for the development of Indian and Alaska Native communities, including new housing construction; housing rehabilitation; land acquisition to support new housing; green energy projects; mold remediation; homeownership assistance; public service facilities such as healthcare entities, child care facilities, and employment-related agencies; economic development; and microenterprise programs. Sponsor: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Wells Fargo Housing Foundation homeownership grants provide sustainable homeownership opportunities for low-to-moderate-income people by providing volunteer and financial resources to local and national nonprofit housing organizations. Average grant amount: $7,500. Deadline to apply: 7/31/2014. Click here to learn more about these grants and to apply.  

PSEG Foundation Invites Grant Applications for Neighborhood Partner Program -DEADLINE: August 1, 2014

Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded in support of programs in the areas of sustainability, minorities, STEM education, and safety that are based in and focus on communities served by PSEG and its subsidiaries....

Service Area Competition Funding for Health Center Program (Areas Served with a Project Period Start Date of December 1, 2014) - Application deadline: Jul 30, 2014. Funding to provide comprehensive primary health care services to an underserved area or population. Sponsor: Bureau of Primary Health Care

THE CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE is offering RSVP grants that support volunteers age 55 years and older in activities that serve community needs and respond to the National Performance Measures in the following focus areas: disaster; education; economic opportunity; environment; healthy futures; and veterans and military families. Deadline to apply: Letter of Intent 8/8/2014; application 9/9/2014. Click here to read the funding guidelines and to apply. 

Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency Service Coordinators Program - Application deadline: Aug 18, 2014 

Grants for the salary and fringe benefits to hire a Service Coordinator to assist in the delivery and coordination of supportive services and other activities designed to help improve the living conditions of public and Indian housing residents who are elderly and/or disabled.
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Early Head Start and EHS-Child Care Partnership Grants - Application deadline: Aug 20, 2014 

Offers funding to operate Early Head Start programming within a community, leveraging existing local resources to provide a comprehensive array of health, mental health, nutrition, and social services to infants, toddlers, and their families. Sponsor: Administration for Children and Families

Medicare Incentive Payments in Health Professional Shortage Areas and Physician Scarcity Areas - Applications accepted on an ongoing basis. Medicare bonus payments to physicians in geographic HPSAs and PSAs. Sponsor: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

RedRover Seeks Applications From Emergency Shelter Organizations to Help Victims of Domestic Abuse and Their Pets - DEADLINE: October 15, 2014. Grants of up $3,000 will be awarded to help shelters provide facilities that allow victims of domestic violence and their animal companions stay together during times of crisis....

Kinder Morgan Foundation Accepting Applications for K-12 Academic, Arts, Environmental Programs - DEADLINE: Rolling. Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to projects that promote the academic and artistic interests of young people in cities where the energy company conducts business....

THE WILLIAM G. McGOWAN CHARITABLE FUND has issued a request for proposals for projects that address homelessness. Deadline: open. The Fund will award grants in support of initiatives that seek to address or prevent homelessness in Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Nevada, New York, and Pennsylvania. Click here to learn more.

WEEK OF JUNE 15, 2014



 Free eBook: Storytelling for Nonprofits


Storytelling is the single most powerful communications tool you have available. Stories make your nonprofit's work relatable, tangible, and touching. Download the Storytelling for Nonprofits eBook and learn how to build the elements of the story, how to craft stories for different mediums, and how to use emotion and a sense of urgency to get donors to give and give now. Get the Storytelling for Nonprofits eBook today!>>

 State Fact Sheets - The ERS State Fact Sheets provide information on population, income, poverty, food security, education, employment, organic agriculture, farm characteristics, farm financial indicators, top commodities, and exports. Updated items include 2012 Census of Agriculture data and unemployment for 2013. June 04, 2014

 Regional Economics - Leafing through Developments in the New Beige Book

The newly released Beige Book finds that Reserve Bank districts overall are reporting moderate economic growth. A SouthPoint post examines the new release and looks at some regional highlights.

 Economic & Financial Highlights

State and local government spending rose on a year-over-year basis in the first quarter of 2014, and manufacturing gained strength in May. See the latest data on government spending, manufacturing, prices, and more.


 WEBINAR: National Good Food Network Webinar, Community-Based Food Business Financing

 Thursday, June 19, 3:30 - 4:45pm ET (12:30 - 1:45 PT). Free! Register Now

 In Austin, Texas a group of folks hungry for local food have cracked the code to access capital – looking to the community. Using a cooperative model they are continuing to innovate. Starting with the knowledge gained from such ventures as a co-op grocer, their success led them to experiment with opening a co-op brew pub. This venture has been another striking success, and are now working to open a cooperative food hub.

This webinar will start with the basics of what a co-op is, how it works, and then they'll discuss accessing community-based capital through what is called a Member Investor Share Offering (MISO). By leveraging the dollars from the community, they have been able to finance the start-up and beginning operations of innovative co-ops. Hear what the organizers of these businesses believe to be the secrets to their success, and some suggestions on how you might consider financing your planned operation in this way.


RECORDED WEBINAR: Is a Food Hub Right For You? Southern SAWG's Food Hub Learning Network is hosting a series of food hub related webinars. Their first, entitled "Is a Food Hub Right for You" was recorded and is now available. Watch now!




PetSmart Charities Accepting Applications for Spay/Neuter Grant Programs - DEADLINE: Open


Grants of up to $100,000 a year for up to two years will be awarded to nonprofits, government entities, and educational institutions conducting high-impact spay/neuter programs targeting pet and free-roaming cat populations in specific geographic areas....


Partners for Places builds partnerships between local government sustainability offices and place-based foundations. Partnership investments are between $25,000 and $75,000 for one-year projects or $50,000 and $150,000 for two-year projects with a 1:1 match. Apply by July 3. Read more.


National Alliance for Grieving Children Announces Capacity Building Grants Program - DEADLINE: July 7, 2014


One-time grants of $10,000 will be awarded to childhood bereavement nonprofits for organizational efficacy initiatives....


Local Foods, Local Places, to help create more livable places by promoting local foods, is a new program supported by EPA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), and the Delta Regional Authority (DRA). Together, the agencies are investing $650,000 in the Local Foods, Local Places program, which aims to:


· Boost economic opportunities for local farmers and businesses, and foster entrepreneurship;
· Improve access to healthy local food, particularly among disadvantaged groups with limited access to fresh fruits and vegetables; and
· Revitalize downtowns, main street districts, and traditional neighborhoods by supporting farmers’ markets, food hubs, community gardens, community kitchens, and other kinds of local food enterprises, and by providing people with affordable choices for accessing those amenities, such as walking, biking, or taking transit.


Local Foods, Local Places will provide direct technical support to selected communities to help them develop and implement action plans promoting local food and downtown revitalization. Special consideration will be given to communities that are in the early stages of developing or restoring local food enterprises and creating economically vibrant communities. Selected communities in Appalachia and the Delta region will be eligible to receive financial assistance to help them implement those plans.

Eligibility - Communities anywhere in the United States are eligible to apply. Particular consideration will be given to communities in the following places:


· Areas served by the Appalachian Regional Commission in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.


· Areas served by the Delta Regional Authority in Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee.


· Federally designated Promise Zones in the Choctaw Nation region of Southeast Oklahoma; Los Angeles, California; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; San Antonio, Texas; and Southeastern Kentucky.


· USDA-designated StrikeForce counties in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and West Virginia.


How to Apply - Communities are invited to submit a letter of interest of no more than two pages that describes the community’s needs and goals related to local food and the revitalization of downtowns and traditional neighborhoods. The letter should indicate a primary point of contact and other members of the community or organizations that would participate in the technical assistance process. Communities are strongly encouraged to seek the support of their local development district or regional development organization, or, alternatively, a local community college or university, and to indicate this partner organization in their letter of interest. Letters of interest may be submitted by any community representative, including representatives of local government and nongovernmental organizations.

Applicants will be evaluated on their commitment to USDA’s Seven Strategies for Economic Development and the HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities’ Livability Principles, as well as their potential for success in:


· Producing and distributing healthy local food;
· Creating economic opportunities for local farmers and businesses;
· Expanding access to healthy foods among disadvantaged members of the community;
· Revitalizing existing downtowns, main streets, and neighborhoods; and
· Partnering with local agricultural producers, business, government, transportation, education, and other relevant organizations.


Submit letters of interest by email to Ed Fendley at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by July 15, 2014. Please include “Local Foods, Local Places” and the name of the community in the subject line of the email.  


Dept. of Transportation, FTA Funding Opportunities: Prior Year Section 5309 Bus and Bus Facilities Program (Ladders of


Opportunity Initiative) Notice of Funding Availability for FTA Bus and Bus Facilities Program, The June 4 FEDERAL REGISTER notice.  Proposals are due by August 4.


The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the availability of prior year Section 5309 Bus and Bus Facilities Program discretionary funds for the Ladders of


Opportunity Initiative in Fiscal Year (FY) 2014. FTA will make available approximately $100 million from recoveries from the Section 5309 Bus and Bus Facilities Program authorized by the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA–LU), Public Law 109–59 and prior authorizations.


This announcement is available on the FTA Web site at: http://www.fta.dot.gov. A synopsis of this funding opportunity will be posted in the FIND module of


the government-wide electronic grants Web site at http://www.GRANTS.GOV.


WEEK OF JUNE 1, 2014


International Reading Association Accepting Nominations for 2014 Literacy Awards - DEADLINE: June 15, 2014

Two grants of $2,500 each will be awarded in recognition of literacy service projects jointly undertaken by Rotary clubs and IRA-affiliated reading councils....

Woodard & Curran Foundation Invites Applications From Environmental Organizations - DEADLINE: June 15, 2014

At least two grants of up to $10,000 each will be awarded to projects that demonstrate environmental stewardship through community involvement and that promote a clean and sustainable environment....

Workforce Innovation Fund Grants — SGA-DFA-PY-13-06

The U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announces the availability of up to $53 million in grant funds to be awarded under the Workforce Innovation Fund (WIF) grant program. These funds support innovative approaches that generate long-term improvements in the performance of the public workforce system, outcomes for job seekers and employers, and cost-effectiveness. All projects funded under the WIF will be rigorously evaluated in order to build a body of knowledge about what works in workforce development. Closing Date: June 14, 2014. Read the Full Announcement (PDF)

SBA Announces Funding for SBDCs to Provide TA and Training Services to Small Firms Impacted by Business or Government Facility Downsizing or Closing

The Small Business Administration seeks to make grants under the Small Business Development Center Portable Assistance Project to SBDC Lead Centers serving economically distressed areas.   Click here for the application package. Projects under this award must provide technical assistance and/or training services to small businesses in communities that are economically impacted as a result of a business or government facility down-sizing or closing. The qualifying events must demonstrate negative impacts of job losses or small business instability in the SBDC Service Area.

The goals and objectives of a successful application are strongly recommended to demonstrate an increase in small business success and viability through such measures as job creation and retention, increases in sales, and capital infusion.  SBA is particularly interested in collaborative efforts (community, regional, statewide, industry sector, etc.) that may serve as best practices and models of such small business assistance. Applicants are encouraged to design and develop innovative programs and services to address the purpose of this Project. Efforts funded under this announcement may also produce products and methodologies that can be replicated by SBDCs in other locations nationwide.

A total amount of approximately $ 1,000,000 in funding is available for this program. SBA expects to make up to 10 awards of not more than $100,000 per award. There is no matching fund requirement. However, the availability of additional funds or in-kind resources may be noted in the technical proposal. Multiple awards to one SBDC in the same funding year are allowable provided the purpose of each project is separate and distinct.  The closing date for applications is June 26.


Susan Harwood Training Grants-Targeted Topics — SHTG-FY-14-01

The U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announces the availability of up to $3.5 million to be awarded to nonprofit organizations for grants to provide training and educational programs for workers and/or employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in the workplace. This grant program is also intended to inform workers of their rights and employers of their responsibilities under Section 21 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act). Targeted Topic Training grant winners should be developing and conducting quality training for multiple employers and/or their workers, and the develop quality safety and health training/educational materials addressing one of the OSHA selected training topics — Agricultural Safety and Health; Amputations; Chemical Hazards and/or Hazard Communication; Construction Road Zones; Ergonomic Harzards; Fall Prevention in Construction; Fall Prevention in General Industry and Hair & Nail Salon Hazards. Nonprofit organizations, including qualifying labor unions, community-based and faith-based organizations, and employer associations, that are not an agency of a state or local government, are eligible to apply. Additionally, state or local government-supported institutions of higher education are eligible to apply in accordance with 29 CFR Part 95.  Closing Date: June 30, 2014. Read the Full Announcement (PDF)

Susan Harwood Training Grants-Capacity Building — SHTG-FY-14-02

The U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)announces the availability of up to $3.5 million to be awarded to nonprofit organizations for grants to provide training and educational programs for workers and/or employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in the workplace. This grant program is also intended to inform workers of their rights and employers of their responsibilities under Section 21 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act). Capacity Building grants are longer-term grants that build safety and health competency. Applications for Capacity Building grants should focus on developing and/or expanding the capacity of an applicant organization to provide safety and health training, education, and related assistance to targeted audiences. Nonprofit organizations, including qualifying labor unions, community-based and faith-based organizations, and employer associations, that are not an agency of a state or local government, are eligible to apply. Additionally, state or local government-supported institutions of higher education are eligible to apply in accordance with 29 CFR Part 95. Closing Date: June 30, 2014. Read the Full Announcement (PDF)

 Alexia Foundation Accepting Proposals for 2014 Women's Initiative Grant - DEADLINE: June 30, 2014

One $25,000 grant will be awarded for a documentary photographic or multimedia project on a significant issue involving and affecting women....

 USDOT Freight Opportunity: Off-Hours Delivery Research Pilots

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Freight Management and Operations is currently requesting applications to result in the award of a minimum of three cooperative agreements to conduct applied research on the subject of Off-Hours Freight Deliveries.  FHWA has partnered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in order to research and demonstrate the efficacy of implementing off hours movements and delivery programs in small to medium size urban areas with emerging or growing congestion problems.  The Federal Highway Administration will award up to $450,000 in research pilots and it is expected that recipients collaborate with the European Commission (EC) on similar projects.  The solicitation is posted here and the closing date for applications is June 12.  Please contact Coral Torres at 202.366.7602 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.  Regional planning and development organizations in small and medium-sized urban areas may wish to share this announcement with freight carriers, shippers, or receivers (retailers) who would be interested in participating in the program.

 Hogg Foundation Announces RFP for Mental Health Awareness Projects in African-American Faith-Based Communities - DEADLINE: June 30, 2014

The program will support projects designed to improve awareness and perceptions of mental health, recovery, and wellness in African-American communities....

Partners for Places builds partnerships between local government sustainability offices and place-based foundations. Partnership investments are between $25,000 and $75,000 for one-year projects or $50,000 and $150,000 for two-year projects with a 1:1 match. Apply by July 3.  READ MORE >

Competitive Grant To Establish a USDA Center for Behavioral and Experimental Agri-Environmental Policy Research  Applications due July 7, 2014.

The USDA seeks to fund a Center that will use behavioral and experimental economics to conduct research on how policies and programs can influence the provision of ecosystem services from agricultural lands.

 NIHCM Foundation Seeks Letters of Inquiry for Healthcare Management Research Projects - DEADLINE: July 14, 2014 (Letter of Inquiry)

The foundation will award grants totaling $250,000 to three to five projects with the potential to advance the existing knowledge base in the areas of U.S. healthcare financing, delivery, management, and/or policy....

Community Economic Development Healthy Food Financing Initiative Projects, HHS-2014-ACF-OCS-EE-0819.  Application Due Date:    07/21/2014

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Community Services (OCS) will award up to $9.5 million in Community Economic Development (CED) discretionary grant funds to Community Development Corporations (CDCs) for community-based efforts to improve the economic and physical health of people in areas designated as food deserts.  Additionally or as an alternative, applicants can point to indicators of need, such as poor access to a healthy food retail outlet, a high percentage of low-income residents, incidence of diet-related health conditions, or high concentrations of persons eligible for food assistance programs.   Through the CED program and within the framework of the Healthy Food Financing Initiative (CED-HFFI), OCS seeks to fund projects that implement strategies to increase healthy food access, foster self-sufficiency for low-income families, and create sustained employment opportunities in low-income communities.  To do this, the CED-HFFI program will provide technical and financial assistance for healthy food ventures designed to: (1) improve access to, and purchase and consumption of healthy, affordable foods; and (2) address the economic needs of low-income individuals and families through the creation of employment and business opportunities in low-income communities. http://www.acf.hhs.gov/grants/open/foa/files/HHS-2014-ACF-OCS-EE-0819_0.pdf

DOD Funding Opportunity: Defense Industry Adjustment Program

The U.S. Department of Defense’s Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) has released an updated Federal Register notice on its Defense Industry Adjustment program, which supports planning and economic diversification in regions and communities affected by defense procurement reductions.  This technical and financial assistance program helps recipients organize themselves to speak with one voice on behalf of affected workers, businesses, and communities; plan approaches to offset local economic impacts; and carry out strategies through public-private ventures.  State governments may also request assistance to plan and implement economic diversification activities and promote cooperation between statewide and local efforts in advance of industry reductions.  This program has helped states gather data on their defense supply chains and identify or develop resources that can be mobilized in the event of a regional defense impact.

Click here to view the Federal Register notice for this program.  Eligible entities must meet certain criteria related to the defense spending reduction in their area and its impact on jobs and the community.  Regional organizations must demonstrate that they are public instrumentalities.  Proposals will be considered for funding on a continuing basis, subject to available appropriations.  With questions about the Defense Industry Adjustment program, including whether your region is eligible, contact Michael Gilroy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 703.697.2081.

 Click here to access a set of publications released by OEA to guide local leaders through the process of organizing, planning, and implementing regional economic adjustment strategies.  The three shorter guides provide an overview of the organizing and planning process, approaches to assist small and medium-size firms, and strategies for coordinating worker transitions.  The longer guide covers these themes in greater depth.  All emphasize the importance of local leadership and starting early before impacts are felt locally.

Institute of Education Sciences Announces Opening of FY 2015 Research Grant Competitions; Identifies Postsecondary and Adult Education Research as Emphasis

The Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education has provided this advisory: The http://ies.ed.gov/">Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at the U.S. Department of Education has announced its research grants competitions for the 2015 fiscal year.  The following two opportunities may be of interest to community colleges and researchers.

The Education Research Grant Programs  supports a variety of efforts by researchers to develop, improve, and evaluate education policies and programs.  One of the topic areas for which the institute is currently accepting proposals is postsecondary and adult education research (CFDA 84.305A).  For more details, see http://ies.ed.gov/funding/ncer_rfas/postsec.asp">http://ies.ed.gov/funding/ncer_rfas/postsec.asp.

The Partnerships and Collaborations Focused on Problems of Practice or Policy program (CFDA 84.305H) provides funding for education practitioners and researchers to work together to develop research plans, adopt a continuous improvement strategy, and/or evaluate education policies and programs that are already operating on a large scale.  Postsecondary and adult education programs qualify to be funded under this program.  For more details, see http://ies.ed.gov/funding/ncer_rfas/partnerships_colab.asp">http://ies.ed.gov/funding/ncer_rfas/partnerships_colab.asp.

For each grant program the announcement lists an IES staff person who can answer questions and provide technical assistance during the grant writing process.  IES also offers webinars on how to prepare a research proposal.  To apply, follow the instructions in each program link. Grant applications for both programs are due on Aug. 7, 2014 by 4:30 p.m. ET.

New VISTA openings -There are two new AmeriCorps VISTA openings in the rural family. 

YouthBuild USA’s Rural and Tribal Initiative is seeking a VISTA member to join their team starting in August 2014. More details available here.

Here is more information about the AmeriCorps VISTA program. Please share this info with your networks.




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