KCEOC, an implementing partner with the Promise Zone reported the following statistics for 2014

How many houses did you complete in the Promise Zone in 2014? 3

How many children were in Head Start and Early Head Start from the Promise Zone in 2014? 1,180

What were the gross sales of the Craft Village for 2014?  $21,442.55

How many craft workshops did you hold in the Promise Zone in 2014? 29 (Note- The number includes all workshops conducted by KCEOC including 17 job clubs, 10 empty bowl pottery, and 2 housing education.  The craft workshop closed in December 2014, no further reports will be made regarding this program; however, all other workshops conducted by KCEOC will be reported)

How much energy assistance did you distribute in the Promise Zone in 2014 and to how many people?  $276,280/41 Households

How much emergency fund assistance did you distribute in the Promise Zone in 2014 and to how many people? 792,184/3,752 Households

How many women from the Promise Zone were helped in 2014? 4,654 (Note- This is all females that we serve-ages 0 to 70+.  Our system doesn’t break it down by gender per age groups.  I could do a calculation to get an estimated number if you need me to)

How many Emergency Fund Service Volunteers did you have from the Promise Zone in 2014? 5,017 (includes all KCEOC volunteers)